Comprehensive Wedding Checklists Page 30


1. Give exact, adequate directions and phone numbers. Many time brides give the directions
they follow and forget the stylist may be coming from the opposite side of the highway.
2. Make sure you have a place set up for the stylist to work. (One bride assumed I would be
working from the bathroom and one set me up in her dark bedroom until her father-in-law kicked
my out so he could get dressed. Personally, I like to work from a large will lit dining room or
kitchen table.)
3. Don't assume the stylist can do extra people last minute. Make sure everyone who is having
their hair done is mentioned ahead of time and arrives promptly.
4. Be ready yourself and prepare extra time for interruptions.
Are you going to a salon?
1. Schedule your wedding day hair appointment at least eight weeks ahead.
2. Have a practice session at least a month ahead and bring a picture of your dress and your
headpiece with you to the salon.
3. Record your travel time from the salon to where you are getting dressed.
4. Add on extra time for getting dressed and make-up if the salon is not applying it.
5. Bring a Polaroid camera to your hair appointment and take pictures of the front, side, and
6. Ask for more than one stylist to help with the wedding party. Three stylists for a party of six is
the best bet for staying on schedule.
7. Schedule all nail appointments for the day before, this also saves time.
8. Don't expect to get your favorite stylist to do your wedding hair is you desire an intricate
Updo. This is a specialty service and best left for the resident expert.
Groom's Checklist
Written by the editors of
Sorry to tell you, but even if you're feeling relieved because she said "yes," you're not out of the
woods yet. Sure she is going to do the majority of work for the wedding, but rest assured, there
is a lot of stuff that can go into the Big Day-and that includes details that are the groom's
responsibility. Our advice is that you rent a convertible and head strait to Vegas. That way, you
don't have to deal with all the wedding crap. If this isn't an option, however, and there's no
getting out of throwing the "shindig" for all those relatives you've never seen before, we give you
the unGROOM'd Groom's Check List.
6 - 12 Months Before The Big Day...You've Got Plenty Of Time On The Clock
Buy the ring. Promise rings don't work, and stay away from the Home Shopping Network.


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