Life Skills Inventory Independent Living Skills Assessment Tool Page 3


Category B: Food Management (continued)
Exceptional - Must know at least 3: (continued)
Prepares and eats a balanced diet.
Understands and can use unit pricing to comparison shop.
Category C: Personal Appearance and Hygiene
Basic - Must be able to do 4 of 4:
Can dress self (including underwear, socks, and tied shoes) in a reasonably acceptable fashion.
Can bathe self.
Knows how to use soap, shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream, other common personal products appropriate to sex.
Brushes teeth regularly.
Intermediate - Must be able to do 3 of 3:
Showers or bathes regularly.
Keeps hair clean and neat.
Dresses in reasonably clean clothing.
Advanced - Must be able to do 4 of 6:
Can read clothing labels and determine which clothes are to be dry cleaned, hand washed, and machine-washed.
Can sort and machine-wash clothes at a Laundromat using appropriate temperatures, amounts of soap, bleach, etc.
Can dry clothes in a dryer using appropriate settings.
Knows the cost of and can budget money for special hair and nail care (i.e., permanents, braiding, manicures, etc.).
Can iron clothes.
Can sew on buttons and make minor clothing repairs.
Exceptional - Must know at least 2:
Can hand wash items following the instructions on the label.
Knows appropriate clothing to wear for almost all occasions.
Knows approximate cost of dry cleaning and can arrange for dry cleaning.
Category D: Health
Basic - Must know 5 of 6:
Can open childproof container.
Knows not to take someone else’s medication.
Knows that drugs, alcohol, and tobacco may be harmful to your health.
Knows parts of the body and sexual functioning.
Knows how pregnancy occurs.
Knows how and where to get emergency health care.
Intermediate - Must know 3 of 4:
Can recognize and describe symptoms of colds, flu, and other common health problems.
Knows what to do for a minor cut, a minor burn, a splinter.
Understands the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Understands the risks of drug and alcohol abuse.
Advanced - Must know 9 of 13:
Can take own temperature using an oral thermometer.
Can nurse self through cold or flu.
Recognizes/makes correct use of “over the counter” drugs for pain, stomach upset, diarrhea, fever, cold/allergy.
Can call a doctor or dentist and schedule an appointment.
Can read a prescription label correctly and follow the instructions.
Can take medication without supervision.
Knows how to dispose of drugs in a safe manner.
Knows how to use what is included in a First Aid Kit.
Knows how to obtain a copy of personal immunization records and medical history.
Knows methods of birth control and how to obtain birth control devices.
Knows how to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Has selected a doctor, dentist or clinic for regular health care.
Understands the importance of medical insurance.
Exceptional - Must know at least 2:
Is conscious of diet, exercise, good eating habits, and other preventative health measures.
Can determine when to go to an emergency room and when to make an appointment with the family doctor or clinic.
Has obtained medical insurance.
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DSHS 10-267 (12/2000)


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