The proponent agency is NGB-ASM. The prescribing directive is ARNG FY 07 ECM.
1. AUTHORITY: Title 10 Section 510 and 511, Title 32 USC Section 301 and 304, and Executive Order 9397.
2. PURPOSE: Used to explain and confirm obligation and to ensure that agreement to these conditions is a matter of record. Occasionally used as a
basis for non-participation action, if requirements are not met. This form will be placed in the member's personnel record.
4. DISCLOSURE: Voluntary; Disclosure of your SSN is voluntary; however, if not provided you will not be enlisted/reenlisted.
This annex will be completed by all individuals enlisting or reenlisting into Army National Guard (ARNG) units under the provisions of AR 601-210.
For individuals enlisting or reenlisting in the ARNG: the Guidance Counselor, or the Officer administering the Oath of Enlistment is responsible to read and explain
the service requirements set forth below. Following the reading, explanation, affixing of proper signatures and the administration of the Oath of Enlistment, a copy of
this signed form will be stapled to each copy of the signed enlistment agreement. See AR 601-210 for distribution.
This annex is required by regulation when you have voluntarily elected one of the following options:
(Individual will initial in the space provided.)
Enlistment/reenlistment of prior service member having no remaining statutory military service obligation. I am currently not a member of the ARNG, but
I have previous military service in the Armed Forces of the United States and I have no remaining statutory military service obligation. This enlistment
will require that I commence training with an ARNG unit immediately. I will be required to maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve for the
entire period of service stipulated on the DD Form 4 to which this is attached.
I am enlisting/reenlisting for Try One in the Guard and I will be required to maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve for the entire period
of service stipulated on the DD Form 4 to which this is attached.
Enlistment/reenlistment of a prior service member with a remaining statutory military service obligation. I am currently a member of another Armed
Force of the United States, or a member of the USAR, and I have been granted a conditional release to permit enlistment in the ARNG. I incurred a [(six
year) (eight year) (line out as appropriate)] military service obligation upon entry into the military service and I have not completed that obligation.
Therefore, this enlistment into the ARNG is for a term of service that will equal or exceed the period of service that is required to complete the remaining
portion of my (six year) (eight year) obligation. This enlistment will require that I commence training with an ARNG unit immediately. I will be required to
maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve for the entire period of service stipulated on the DD Form 4 to which this is attached.
I am enlisting/reenlisting for Try One in the Guard and I will be required to maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve for the entire period
of service stipulated on the DD Form 4 to which this is attached. Minimum period on active unit status is one year.
Enlistment/reenlistment of a former member of the Armed Forces who was discharged prior to completion of an incurred [(six year) (eight year) (line out
as appropriate)] military service obligation (including Glossary NPS). I am currently not a member of the Armed Forces of the United States. During my
last previous military service I incurred a statutory military service obligation of (six years) (eight years) and when last discharged I had not completed
the full (six years) (eight years). Therefore, this enlistment into the ARNG is for a term of service that will equal or exceed the period of service that is
required to complete the remaining portion of the (six year) (eight year) obligation. This enlistment requires that I commence training with an ARNG unit
immediately or immediately attend initial active duty for training as required. I will be required to maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve
for the entire period of service stipulated on the DD Form 4 to which this is attached.
If I have prior military service, I understand that I may be required to attend basic training (BT), if I did not complete BT, and/or a period of full time training
duty to become qualified in the MOS for which I enlisted if not already qualified.
Initial enlistment as a non-prior service member. I have no previous military service on active duty, or active duty for training, in the Armed Forces of the
United States and upon executing this enlistment I will incur a statutory military service obligation of eight years.
The enlistment option that I have selected provides that I will be a member of an Army National Guard unit for a period of
years and a member
of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) or the Inactive National Guard (ING) for the balance of my eight year service obligation unless I elect to remain
with the ARNG unit, or unless I am completely discharged from this enlistment agreement. I also understand that:
a. Unless otherwise stipulated on Annex to the DD Form 4, I will enter and satisfactorily complete an initial period of active duty for training (IADT) to
become qualified in a military occupational specialty (MOS) as soon as a training space is available.
b. If for any reason beyond my control I am unable to complete the training during the period for which I was initially ordered to IADT, I agree to:
(1) Remain on active duty for training for such additional period as is required to complete my MOS training, or
(2) Accept training in an alternate MOS if offered, and remain on IADT for such additional training as is required to complete such training.
c. If I qualify for enlistment under a pay category that authorizes me to be in a paid training status, I will commence training with my unit while I am
awaiting entry on IADT. If I am not authorized to be in a paid status upon enlistment, I may voluntarily attend scheduled drills with my unit until such
time as I am authorized to be paid and then I will commence training with my unit.
d. I will be required to maintain satisfactory participation in the Ready Reserve for a period of eight years, as stipulated above.
e. If I am still in high school and fail to satisfactorily complete high school, my enlistment will be terminated unless I meet the non-high school
graduate enlistment criteria as specified in AR 601-210.
NGB FORM 21, 20100817 (EF)
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