New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Claim for Real Property Tax Credit
For Homeowners and Renters
Step 1 — Enter identifying information
Your social security number
Your first name and middle initial Your last name
( for a joint claim, enter spouse’s name on line below )
Your date of birth (MMDDYYYY)
Spouse’s first name and middle initial Spouse’s last name
Spouse’s social security number
Spouse’s date of birth (MMDDYYYY)
Current mailing address
Apartment number
( number and street or rural route )
New York State county of residence
City, village, or post office
ZIP code
( if not United States )
You must enter date(s) of birth and
social security number(s) above.
Street address of New York residence that qualifies you for this credit, if different from above
City, village, or post office
ZIP code
Step 2 — Determine eligibility
( For lines 1 through 6, mark an X in the appropriate box. )
1 Were you a New York State resident for all of 2011? ..................................................................................
2 Did you occupy the same residence for at least six months during 2011? ................................................
If you marked an X in the No box on line 1 or 2, stop; you do not qualify for this credit.
3 Did you own real property with a current market value of more than $85,000 during 2011? .....................
4 Can you be claimed as a dependent on another taxpayer’s 2011 federal return? .....................................
5 Did you reside in public housing, or other residence completely exempted from real property taxes in 2011?
( see instr. )
If you marked an X in the Yes box on line 3, 4, or 5, stop; you do not qualify for this credit.
6 Did you live in a nursing home during 2011?
( If you mark an X in the Yes box, see instructions. )
7 Complete below for the qualifying household member 65 or older
( see instructions )
A — First name
Last name
B — Social security number
C —Year of birth
8 Complete below for all household members not included on line 7
( attach additional sheets if needed; see instructions )
A — First name
Last name
B — Social security number
C —Year of birth
Step 3 — Determine household gross income
Enter the total of all amounts, even if not taxable, that you, your spouse ( if married ), and all other household members received during 2011.
9 Federal adjusted gross income
( from Form 1040A, line 22; Form 1040EZ, line 4; or Form 1040, line 38 )
If any household members do not have to file a federal return, see instructions ..................................
10 New York State additions to federal adjusted gross income .................................................................... 10.
11 Social security payments not included on line 9 ....................................................................................... 11.
12 Supplemental security income (SSI) payments ......................................................................................... 12.
13 Pensions and annuities (including railroad retirement benefits) not included on lines 9 through 12 ........ 13.
14 Cash public assistance and relief .............................................................................................................. 14.
15 Other income ............................................................................................................................................. 15.
16 Household gross income
....................................... 16.
( add lines 9 through 15; round to the nearest whole dollar )
If line 16 is more than $18,000, stop; you do not qualify for this credit.
17 Enter rate from Table 1
..................................................................................................... 17.
( see instructions )
18 Multiply line 16 by line 17 ........................................................................................................................... 18.
Please file this original scannable form with the Tax Department.