Name Changes on Loan Accounts and Titles
Name Changes on Loan Accounts
Names cannot be added or deleted from a loan. Name changes or corrections are acceptable on loan
accounts if due to misspelling, incorrect setup of the account, or certain legal conditions.
Types of acceptable legal documentation for name changes on loan accounts
• Marriage certificate/license – with book and page #, license #, seal, notary, or court stamp
• Divorce decree – with book and page #, case or file #, seal, notary, or court stamp
• Court order approving the name change – signed by clerk or Deputy clerk
• Copy of legal document stating the new company name and Tax Id
• Copy of a death certificate
Submitting Requests for Name Changes on Loans
Borrowers may fax or mail documentation to request a Name Change or Correction on a Loan Account.
Please use the attached Name Changes on Loan Accounts Request Form when submitting your request.
Be sure to include a daytime contact telephone number.
Contact information is as follows:
Mail: Bank of America
PO Box 45144
Jacksonville, FL
Fax: 804.553.8963
Borrowers may also call toll free 800.215.6195 to request a name correction via the phone.
Upon receipt of all required documentation, name changes/corrections will be completed within 1 to 2
business days. The borrower will see the name change/correction on their next statement.
Name Changes on Titles
Names can be changed or deleted from a title provided acceptable legal documentation is furnished. These
requests are best handled by the local DMV. By going to the local DMV, borrowers may experience faster
service than by going through Bank of America.
2010 Bank of America Corporation
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