Scoring Form For Fullerton Advanced Balance (Fab) Scale


California State University, Fullerton
Center for Successful Aging
Scoring Form for
Fullerton Advanced Balance (FAB) Scale
Date of Test: ____________
1. Stand with feet together and eyes closed
( ) 0 Unable to obtain the correct standing position independently
( ) 1 Able to obtain the correct standing position independently but unable to maintain the position or
keep the eyes closed for more than 10 seconds
( ) 2 Able to maintain the correct standing position with eyes closed for more than 10 seconds but
less than 30 seconds
( ) 3 Able to maintain the correct standing position with eyes closed for 30 seconds but requires close
( ) 4 Able to maintain the correct standing position safely with eyes closed for 30 seconds
2. Reach forward to retrieve an object (pencil) held at shoulder height with outstretched arm
( ) 0 Unable to reach the pencil without taking more than two steps
( ) 1 Able to reach the pencil but needs to take two steps
( ) 2 Able to reach the pencil but needs to take one step
( ) 3 Can reach the pencil without moving the feet but requires supervision
( ) 4 Can reach the pencil safely and independently without moving the feet
3. Turn 360 degrees in right and left directions
( ) 0 Needs manual assistance while turning
( ) 1 Needs close supervision or verbal cueing while turning
( ) 2 Able to turn 360 degrees but takes more than four steps in both directions
( ) 3 Able to turn 360 degrees but unable to complete in four steps or fewer in one direction
( ) 4 Able to turn 360 degrees safely taking four steps or fewer in both directions
*4. Step up onto and over a 6-inch bench
( ) 0 Unable to step up onto the bench without loss of balance or manual assistance
( ) 1 Able to step up onto the bench with leading leg, but trailing leg contacts the bench or
leg swings around the bench during the swing-through phase in both directions
( ) 2 Able to step up onto the bench with leading leg, but trailing leg contacts the bench or
swings around the bench during the swing-through phase in one direction
( ) 3 Able to correctly complete the step up and over in both directions but requires close
supervision in one or both directions
( ) 4 Able to correctly complete the step up and over in both directions safely and indepen-
Revised Sept 2008 (DR)


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