Sample Letter Of Intent To Homeschool


Sample letter of intent to homeschool
Mr. and Mrs. Jones
123 Your Street
Your Town, KY 00000
Today’s date, 2012
Director of Pupil Personnel
Your County Schools
123 Schools Street.
Your town, KY 40000
Dear Sir:
This letter is to inform you that we will be homeschooling our children
during the 2012 -2013 academic school year. Below is a list of our
school age children and information about our school.
1. Jonny Jones 14
2. Jimmy Jones 12
3. Jessica Jones 10
4. Joy Jones 8
School will take place in our home.
Names of Parents/ teachers:
Jack and Jenny Jones 123 Your Street
Your Town, KY 00000
(Optional phone number)
Jack Jones
Jenny Jones


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