How To Write An Attention Grabbing Cover Letter


Cover letters that create a good first impression are well
constructed, don’t contain any spelling mistakes or bad grammar,
and support what you are saying in your CV.
Your cover letter is an important part of your job application and
it should be tailored to each individual role you are applying for;
using a generic cover letter is not going to wow your prospective
Sending your cover letter by email is much more popular than
mailing it in the post. Here is a template cover letter email you
can tailor to fit the role you are applying for.
Email subject line:
{insert job title}, {insert job reference if applicable}: XXXXXX application – {insert your full name}
Section 1 - introduction:
Dear {Sir/Madam OR company contact name},
I am writing to apply for your {insert job title} role as advertised on the {insert where you saw the vacancy advertised}
and enclose my CV for your consideration.
Note: The company contact name should be in the advert or you can find out the name of the
company contact by calling the company first. Using the company contact name is preferable to
Dear Sir/Madam, however this is an acceptable way to start your email if you really don’t know
who to address it to.
Section 2 – main body:
Here you need to select 3-5 key requirements from the job description and explain to your potential employer how
you meet their criteria, directly matching your skills and experience to the job. It may help to write a short paragraph
for each of the 3-5 requirements you have selected.
You should use this section to identify your unique selling
points; what makes you stand out from other applicants and
how these will benefit the company.
Don’t forget about your transferable skills. If this is your first
job or you are changing careers think about relevant skills
you may have gained at university or in previous roles, e.g.
communication skills, leadership qualities, working as part of a
team etc.


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