Pre-Approval Absence Request Form


Pre-Approval Absence Request Form
This letter is requesting __________________________________________ to be
excused on the following days: from: _______________ to: _________________.
Reason for Absence:
I understand that all make-up work must be completed within a timely matter (the
number of days absent plus one as stated in the handbook). I understand that any
previously known projects due during this time frame must be turned in prior to
absence. I also understand that it is solely the responsibility of the student to
request help from the teacher in order to be on level with the rest of the class.
Parent's Signature
Approval has been given for the above student to be excused from his/her classes
on the dates as stated above. The teacher is responsible for gathering the student's
work together and seeing that the student receive any additional help upon request.
Principal's Signature
I acknowledge receipt of this pre-approval for absence and will see that the student
receives all missed work and any additional help if needed.
Teacher's Signature


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