When there is the need to repack two or more warehouse receipts into one new warehouse receipt to ship,
these are the steps to take.
There are 3 warehouse receipts for the same consignee.
Consignee requests all warehouse receipts to be repacked to save some volume.
Original warehouse receipt history is needed to be kept intact to conserve date, time, tracking
number, original piece count, original weight, etc.
To create a new Warehouse Repack Receipt.
Open Warehouse Receipt form.
Automatic numbering is required for this step.
Place checkmark in “For WR Repacking” under Warehouse #.
This will add the letter “R” as a suffix to the warehouse #.
Select a Shipper and Consignee.
Click “Link” button found in Info side of screen.
Search for Warehouse Receipts to be linked.
EZ-Freight will add piece count, weights, and measurements in the body of form.
User can edit piece count, weight, and measurements to the new piece count, weight, and
measurements to be shipped.
Saving new Warehouse Receipt marks all linked Warehouse Receipts as CLOSED/LINKED.
Note: The new Warehouse Receipt with the R suffix in the number is the one to be shipped. The Warehouse
receipts linked to the Warehouse Repack Receipt are closed/shipped.