Plan for Mini-Lesson 14
Gratitude Log
Focus on the good in one’s life.
Make copies of the worksheet on the following page.
5-10 minutes
Ask students what it means to be grateful and when are times they have felt grateful. Next,
explain to students that today they will complete a “gratitude log.” Read the worksheet together
on the following page. If children have difficulty writing, allow them to either draw or share with a
Have students complete the gratitude log.
5 minutes
Ask students questions, such as:
1. What did you like/dislike about this activity? Why?
2. Did you find the activity easy/challenging? Why?
3. How do you feel after thinking about these things in your life?
4. How could you use this in your everyday life? (We could pay closer attention to the things
we appreciate and not take them for granted. When we get upset, we could think about
the things we are grateful for to help calm us.)