Hilton Head Entertainment
Wedding Ceremony Questionnaire
(to be returned no later than 30 days prior to your wedding date)
Bride and Groom’s name_________________________________________________________________
Phone numbers of Bride________________Phone numbers of Groom_______________
Date of Wedding_______________________________________________________
Location of wedding ceremony and time_______________________________________
Please indicate if the reception is inside or outside and back up location________________
Attire for the wedding ______________________________Number of guests ________
Location of wedding reception and time_______________________________________
Name and phone number of contact person at the location/Wedding planner etc
Phone number where we can reach you on site ie parents/hotel_______________________
Preacher/Notary/Priest name and number_____________________________________
Prelude music to be played 15 minutes prior to the start of your wedding.
Musicians will make appropriate selections. If you have song preferences, please indicate here.
Please keep in mind, the selections have to be appropriate and written for the musicians you have
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