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Illinois Department of Revenue
Cigarette Revenue Return Worksheet
Read this information first
Form RC-6-W must be used to report old and multiple tax rates on cigarettes or cigarette tax stamps that are purchased, sold,
transferred, or returned. For additional instructions, see Form RC-6, Cigarette Revenue Return..
After you complete Form RC-6-W, make a photocopy for your records and attach the original to Form RC-6.
Step 1:
Identify your business
Name : _ _ ___________________________________________ Account ID:__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Address:___________________________________________ License no.: C - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Number and street
__________________________________________________ Tax period: __ __ / __ __ __ __
Month Year
Step 2:
Report your cigarette stamp information by mill rate
Number of cigarettes purchased with Illinois tax stamps affixed
a at the rate of 29 mills.
a ______
b at the rate of 49 mills.
b ______
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 9c).
Number of cigarettes with Illinois tax stamps affixed that you returned to manufacturers
a at the rate of 29 mills.
a ______
b at the rate of 49 mills.
b ______
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line11).
Number of cigarettes you sold that were subject to tax
a at the rate of 29 mills.
a ______
b at the rate of 49 mills.
b ______
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 18).
Figure the amount of the tax on the cigarettes you sold
a Multiply Line 3a by .029.
b Multiply Line 3b by .049.
4 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 19).
Write the value of Illinois tax stamps on hand at the beginning of the month
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
5 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 20).
Value of the unaffixed Illinois tax stamps transferred to you by another licensed distributor
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
6 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 21).
Value of the Illinois tax stamps affixed to packages you purchased
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
7 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 23).
Value of the unaffixed Illinois tax stamps you transferred to another licensed distributor
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
8 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 25).
Value of all Illinois tax stamps affixed that you had on hand at the end of the month
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
9 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 29).
Value of all unaffixed Illinois tax stamps that you had on hand at the end of the month
a at the rate of 29 mills.
b at the rate of 49 mills.
10 $
Add Lines a and b for a total of both rates (write here and on Form RC-6, Line 30).
RC-6-W Page 1 (R-04/10)
This form is authorized as outlined by the Illinois Cigarette Tax Act. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide
information could result in a penalty. This form has been approved by the Forms Management Center.