immediately file suit to collect an amount
We understand that I
we remain
equal to the original amount of the tax
responsible for the full amount of the tax
liability as liquidating damages, minus any
liability, unless and until the IRS accepts
payment already received under the terms
the offer in writing and I
we have met all
of this offer
the terms and conditions of the offer. The
IRS will not remove the original amount of
disregard the amount of the offer and apply
the tax liability from its records until I
all amounts already paid under the offer
have met all the terms of the offer.
against the original amount of the tax liability
file suit or levy to collect the original
(k) I/We understand that the tax I/we offer
amount of the tax liability, without further
to compromise is and will remain a tax
notice of any kind.
liability until I/we meet all the terms
and conditions of this offer. If I/we
The IRS will continue to add interest, as Section
file bankruptcy before the terms and
6601 of the Internal Revenue Code requires,
conditions of this offer are completed,
on the amount the IRS determines is due after
any claim the IRS files in the bankruptcy
default. The IRS will add interest from the date
proceedings will be a tax claim.
the offer is defaulted until I/we completely satisfy
the amount owed.
Once the IRS accepts the offer in
writing, I/we have no right to contest,
(o) The IRS generally files a Notice of Federal
in court or otherwise, the amount of the
Tax Lien to protect the Government’s interest
tax liability.
on deferred payment offers. Also, the IRS
may file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien during
the offer investigation. This tax lien will be
(m) The offer is pending starting with the
released when the payment terms of the
date an authorized IRS official signs this
offer agreement have been satisfied.
form. The offer remains pending until an
authorized IRS official accepts, rejects,
(p) I/We understand that the IRS employees
returns or acknowledges withdrawal of
may contact third parties in order to respond
the offer in writing. If I/we appeal an IRS
to this request and I
we authorize the IRS to
rejection decision on the offer, the IRS will
make such contacts. Further, by authorizing
continue to treat the offer as pending until
the Internal Revenue Service to contact
the Appeals Office accepts or rejects the
third parties, I
we understand that I will not
offer in writing. If I/we don’t file a protest
receive notice, pursuant to section 7602(c)
within 30 days of the date the IRS notifies
of the Internal Revenue Code, of third parties
me/us of the right to protest the decision,
contacted in connection with this request.
I/we waive the right to a hearing before
the Appeals Office about the offer in
(q) If doubt as to collectibility and
or effective tax
administration are checked in Item 6 above,
we are offering to compromise all the tax
(n) If I/we fail to meet any of the terms and
liabilities assessed against me
us as of the
conditions of the offer and the offer
date of this offer and under the taxpayer
defaults, then the IRS may:
identification numbers listed in Items 2 and
3 above. I
We authorize the IRS to amend
immediately file suit to collect the entire
Item 5, above, to include any assessed
unpaid balance of the offer
liabilities we failed to list on Form 656.