Internal Use Only: EGID:_____
New Application
Revised/Updated Application
VN/FN: __________________
Account #: __________________
Direct Deposit (ACH Credit) Authorization Form*
Organization:__________________________________ Federal ID #: ___________________
Telephone: ____________________ Website:_______________________________________
Physical Address:_________________________________________ Zip Code: ____________
The Organization hereby authorizes E-Giving (“Company”), the financial institution listed
below, and Company’s financial institution, to initiate electronic entries, and if necessary,
process any adjustments needed to correct entries made in error, to the following account. The
Organization acknowledges that its origination of ACH transactions through Company to its
account must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and underwriting limits may be
applied to transactions in the sole discretion of Company, Company’s financial institution, and
Organization’s financial institution listed below. This authority will remain in full force and
effect until Company receives a written notice to cancel, with a reasonable opportunity for
Company and the financial institutions to effect the cancellation.
Financial Institution Name: __________________________________________________
9-Digit Routing #: __________________________ Account #: __________________________
Checking Account
Savings Account
The financial institution listed is hereby authorized to release information requested by Company
for underwriting purposes.
The parties below certify that they are both fully authorized to a) execute agreements on behalf
of the organization; b) change the account information above; c) receive full access to
administrator features; and d) receive notice of significant information (such as a request to
change the Organization’s Account).
E-Giving Administrator
E-Giving Administrator (required)
Signature – Authorized by
Please Print Name
Please print Name
Email Address
E-Mail Address
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Complete this form and FAX to: E-Giving