Example 3. Tax year less than 2 1/2 months. A calendar
corporation should generally receive a determination on its
year small business corporation begins its first tax year on
election within 60 days after it has filed Form 2553. If box
November 8. The two month period ends January 7 and 15
Q1 in Part II is checked, the corporation will receive a ruling
days after that is January 22. To be an S corporation
letter from the IRS in Washington, DC, that either approves
beginning with its short tax year, the corporation must file
or denies the selected tax year. When box Q1 is checked, it
Form 2553 during the period that begins November 8 and
will generally take an additional 90 days for the Form 2553
ends January 22. Because the corporation had no prior tax
to be accepted.
year, an election made before November 8 will not be valid.
Care should be exercised to ensure that the IRS receives
A late election generally is effective for the next tax year.
the election. If the corporation is not notified of acceptance
However, a late election will be accepted as timely filed if
or nonacceptance of its election within 2 months of the date
the corporation can show that the failure to file on time was
of filing (date faxed or mailed), or within 5 months if box Q1
due to reasonable cause.
is checked, take follow-up action by calling 1-800-829-4933.
Relief for late elections. To request relief for a late
If the IRS questions whether Form 2553 was filed, an
election, the corporation generally must request a private
acceptable proof of filing is (a) a certified or registered mail
letter ruling and pay a user fee in accordance with Rev.
receipt (timely postmarked) from the U.S. Postal Service, or
Proc. 2007-1, 2007-1 I.R.B. 1 (or its successor). However,
its equivalent from a designated private delivery service (see
the ruling and user fee requirements may not apply if the
Notice 2004-83, 2004-52 I.R.B. 1030 (or its successor)); (b)
following revenue procedures apply.
Form 2553 with an accepted stamp; (c) Form 2553 with a
If an entity eligible to elect to be treated as a corporation
stamped IRS received date; or (d) an IRS letter stating that
(a) failed to timely file Form 2553, and (b) has not elected to
Form 2553 has been accepted.
be treated as a corporation, see Rev. Proc. 2004-48,
Do not file Form 1120S for any tax year before the
2004-32 I.R.B. 172.
year the election takes effect. If the corporation is
If a corporation failed to timely file Form 2553, see Rev.
now required to file Form 1120, U.S. Corporation
Proc. 2003-43, 2003-23 I.R.B. 998.
Income Tax Return, or any other applicable tax return,
If Form 1120S was filed without an S corporation election
continue filing it until the election takes effect.
and neither the corporation nor any shareholder was notified
by the IRS of any problem with the S corporation status
End of Election
within 6 months after the return was timely filed, see Rev.
Once the election is made, it stays in effect until it is
Proc. 97-48, 1997-43 I.R.B. 19.
terminated. IRS consent generally is required for another
Where To File
election by the corporation (or a successor corporation) on
Form 2553 for any tax year before the 5th tax year after the
Send the original election (no photocopies) or fax it to the
first tax year in which the termination took effect. See
Internal Revenue Service Center listed below. If the
Regulations section 1.1362-5 for details.
corporation files this election by fax, keep the original Form
2553 with the corporation’s permanent records.
Specific Instructions
Use the following
If the corporation’s principal
Internal Revenue Service
business, office, or agency is
Center address or fax
Part I
located in:
Name and Address
Connecticut, Delaware, District of
Enter the corporation’s true name as stated in the corporate
Columbia, Illinois, Indiana,
charter or other legal document creating it. If the
Kentucky, Maine, Maryland,
corporation’s mailing address is the same as someone
Massachusetts, Michigan, New
else’s, such as a shareholder’s, enter “C/O” and this
Hampshire, New Jersey, New
Cincinnati, OH 45999
person’s name following the name of the corporation.
York, North Carolina, Ohio,
Fax: (859) 669-5748
Include the suite, room, or other unit number after the street
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
address. If the Post Office does not deliver to the street
South Carolina, Vermont,
address and the corporation has a P.O. box, show the box
Virginia, West Virginia,
number instead of the street address. If the corporation
changed its name or address after applying for its employer
identification number, be sure to check the box in item D of
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona,
Part I.
Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho,
Item A. Employer Identification Number
Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri,
Ogden, UT 84201
Enter the corporation’s EIN. If the corporation does not have
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada,
Fax: (801) 620-7116
an EIN, it must apply for one. An EIN can be applied for:
New Mexico, North Dakota,
Online – Click on the EIN link at
Oklahoma, Oregon, South
small. The EIN is issued immediately once the application
Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,
information is validated.
Utah, Washington, Wyoming
By telephone at 1-800-829-4933 from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. in the corporation’s local time zone.
By mailing or faxing Form SS-4, Application for Employer
Acceptance or Nonacceptance of
Identification Number.
If the corporation has not received its EIN by the time the
The service center will notify the corporation if its election is
return is due, enter “Applied For” and the date you applied in
accepted and when it will take effect. The corporation will
the space for the EIN. For more details, see the Instructions
also be notified if its election is not accepted. The
for Form SS-4.