This report is required under the provisions of section 13.05 of the Texas Revised
Limited Partnership Act. All items must be completed. Changes, additions, and deletions
to general partners may not be accomplished on this form. Such changes require an
amendment to the certificate of a domestic limited partnership or the registration of a
foreign limited partnership.
The report must be made on a form adopted by the secretary of state, and the
information contained in the report must be given as of the date of the execution of the
The report must be signed on behalf of the limited partnership by at least one general
The report is due 30 days after the date the secretary of state mails the notice that the
report should be filed. Failure to file the report will result in cancellation of the
certificate of a domestic limited partnership or the registration of a foreign limited
The completed form along with the filing fee should be mailed to the address shown in
the heading of this form. The delivery address is James Earl Rudder Office Building,
1019 Brazos, Austin, Texas 78701. The telephone number is (512) 463-5555; TDD: (800)
735-2989; FAX: (512) 463-5709. An acknowledgment of the filing will be provided to the
limited partnership.
Filing Fee: Please submit a check or money order made payable to the secretary of state.
The check or money order must be payable through a U.S. bank or other financial
If the report is filed within 30 days, the fee is $50.
If the report is not filed within 30 days, the partnership forfeits its right to
transact business in Texas.
After forfeiture of the right to transact business, the fee is the original $50, plus a
late fee of $25 per month for each month or fractional part of a month that has
elapsed since the date of the notice of forfeiture, or $100, whichever is less. Filing
the report within 120 days after the date of forfeiture will relieve the partnership
from the forfeiture.
If the report is not filed within 120 days after the date of forfeiture, the certificate
of limited partnership of a domestic limited partnership, or the registration of a
foreign limited partnership, will be canceled.
The partnership may be relieved of the cancellation by filing the report together
with the $50 filing fee, a late fee of $100, and a $100 reinstatement fee.
Form No. 804
Revised 9/99