Reset Form
Michigan Department of Treasury, STC
2168 (Rev 02-09)
Formerly L-4100
Offi ce Use Only
Assessor’s Response to Petition
Petition No.
for Change of Property Classifi cation
INSTRUCTIONS: The attached petition has been fi led with the State Tax Commission (STC) as provided by MCL 211.34c, which
was enacted by Public Act (PA) 381 of 1978, as amended by PA 476 of 1996. The certifi ed assessor of the assessment unit where the
petitioned property is located is required to respond to the petition and to recommend the correct classifi cation in accordance with the
defi nitions set forth in MCL 211.34c, as amended.
1. Assessor’s Recommended Classifi cation
2. Current Classifi cation
3. Date of protest of classifi cation to Board of Review
4. Parcel Code Number
5. Assessor’s Comments (attach additional sheets, if needed)
Note: The information fi led in and with this petition will be the only information to be considered by the STC. In
accordance with MCL 211.34c which states: The STC shall arbitrate the petition based on the written petition and the
written recommendations of the assessor and the STC staff; no taxpayer will be afforded an opportunity to present their
appeal in person.
4. I, _______________________________________________, the certifi ed assessor for the ______________________________________ of
(Township or City)
_________________________________________________in ______________________________________ County have reviewed the
property which is the subject of the attached petition for change of property classifi cation and hereby inidicate that the foregoing response is full,
true and correct.
Signature of Assessing Offi cer
Assessing Offi cer Telephone Number
Certifi cation No,
Return to:
State Tax Commission
Michigan Department of Treasury
P.O. Box 30471
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7971
Fax: (517) 241-2621