(entity) first had assets, or (c) the date the corporation
consent statement, attach it to Form 2553. It must
(entity) began doing business. This same date will be
contain the name, address, and EIN of the corporation
entered for item H.
and the information requested in columns J through N of
Part I.
A corporation (entity) not making the election for its
first tax year in existence that is keeping its current tax
Column L
year should enter the beginning date of the first tax year
Enter the number of shares of stock each shareholder
for which it wants the election to be effective.
owns on the date the election is filed and the date(s) the
A corporation (entity) not making the election for its
stock was acquired. Enter -0- for any former
first tax year in existence that is changing its tax year and
shareholders listed in column J. An entity without stock,
wants to be an S corporation for the short tax year
such as a limited liability company (LLC), should enter
needed to switch tax years should enter the beginning
the percentage of ownership and date(s) acquired.
date of the short tax year. If the corporation (entity) does
Column M
not want to be an S corporation for this short tax year, it
should enter the beginning date of the tax year following
Enter the social security number of each individual listed
this short tax year and file Form 1128, Application To
in column J. Enter the EIN of each estate, qualified trust,
Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year. If this change
or exempt organization.
qualifies as an automatic approval request (Form 1128,
Column N
Part II), file Form 1128 as an attachment to Form 2553. If
this change qualifies as a ruling request (Form 1128, Part
Enter the month and day that each shareholder’s tax year
III), file Form 1128 separately. If filing Form 1128, enter
ends. If a shareholder is changing his or her tax year,
“Form 1128” on the dotted line to the left of the entry
enter the tax year the shareholder is changing to, and
space for item E.
attach an explanation indicating the present tax year and
the basis for the change (for example, an automatic
Column K. Shareholders’ Consent
revenue procedure or a letter ruling request).
For an election filed before the effective date entered for
Form 2553 must be signed and dated by the president,
item E, only shareholders who own stock on the day the
vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, chief
election is made need to consent to the election.
accounting officer, or any other corporate officer (such as
For an election filed on or after the effective date
tax officer) authorized to sign.
entered for item E, all shareholders or former
If Form 2553 is not signed, it will not be considered
shareholders who owned stock at any time during the
timely filed.
period beginning on the effective date entered for item E
and ending on the day the election is made must consent
Part II
to the election.
Complete Part II if you selected a tax year ending on any
If the corporation filed a timely election, but one or
date other than December 31 (other than a 52-53-week
more shareholders did not file a timely consent, see
tax year ending with reference to the month of
Regulations section 1.1362-6(b)(3)(iii). If the shareholder
was a community property spouse who was a
shareholder solely because of a state community
Note. Generally, the corporation cannot obtain automatic
property law, see Rev. Proc. 2004-35, 2004-23 I.R.B.
approval of a fiscal year under the natural business year
(Box P1) or ownership tax year (Box P2) provisions if it is
under examination, before an area office, or before a
Each shareholder consents by signing and dating
federal court with respect to any income tax issue and
either in column K or on a separate consent statement.
the annual accounting period is under consideration. For
The following special rules apply in determining who
details, see section 4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2002-38, 2002-22
must sign.
I.R.B. 1037.
If a husband and wife have a community interest in the
stock or in the income from it, both must consent.
Box P1
Each tenant in common, joint tenant, and tenant by the
Attach a statement showing separately for each month
entirety must consent.
the amount of gross receipts for the most recent 47
A minor’s consent is made by the minor, legal
months. A corporation that does not have a 47-month
representative of the minor, or a natural or adoptive
period of gross receipts cannot automatically establish a
parent of the minor if no legal representative has been
natural business year.
The consent of an estate is made by the executor or
Box Q1
For examples of an acceptable business purpose for
The consent of an electing small business trust (ESBT)
requesting a fiscal tax year, see section 5.02 of Rev.
is made by the trustee and, if a grantor trust, the deemed
Proc. 2002-39, 2002-22 I.R.B. 1046, and Rev. Rul.
owner. See Regulations section 1.1362-6(b)(2)(iv) for
87-57, 1987-2 C.B. 117.
If the stock is owned by a qualified subchapter S trust
Attach a statement showing the relevant facts and
(QSST), the deemed owner of the trust must consent.
circumstances to establish a business purpose for the
If the stock is owned by a trust (other than an ESBT or
requested fiscal year. For details on what is sufficient to
QSST), the person treated as the shareholder by section
establish a business purpose, see section 5.02 of Rev.
1361(c)(2)(B) must consent.
Proc. 2002-39.
Continuation sheet or separate consent statement.
If your business purpose is based on one of the
If you need a continuation sheet or use a separate
natural business year tests provided in section 5.03 of