State Conference Main Stage Production Application Form


DUE DECEMBER 15th (or earlier for Live Response!)
School: ___________________________________________________ Troupe Number: __________________
Sponsor/Director Name: ____________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________
School Address: _________________________________________City: ________________ Zip: __________
School Phone: _____________________________ Sponsor AlternatePhone: ___________________________
Title of Production: ________________________________________ Approx. Running Time:______________
Playwright: __________________________ # of Student Actors: _______ # Techs: ______ # Orchestra: _____
Dates/Times of Performances: _________________________________________________________________
Please attach answers to the following three questions:
1)What is it about this show or your production of it that makes it special?
2)How do you see this show applying the purposes of the State Main Stage Production?
3)Why do you think audiences at the state conference will like this show?
Applications for the State Main Stage Production must include 5 copies of production program and be
done in one of three ways (please CHECK one):
Option #1: DVD only (See Guidelines for DVD below!)
*Mail this application, 5 copies of program and 5 copies of DVD by December 15th!
_____ Option #2: DVD + Live Response (a written narrative response sent within 2 weeks)
*Mail this application & $50.00 (Remit to: Oregon Thespians) at least two weeks
BEFORE opening night of production to coordinator.
* Mail 5 copies of program and 5 copies of DVD by December 15th!
_____ Option #3: DVD + Live Response + Respondent Feedback
(Talkback with cast/crew and respondent after the show)
*Mail this application & $50.00 (Remit to: Oregon Thespians) at least two weeks
BEFORE opening night of production to coordinator.
* Mail 5 copies of program and 5 copies of DVD by December 15th!
**Note: ALL applications require 5 copies of DVD and 5 programs sent by the December 15th!
*There is no charge for Option #1 above and no written evaluation submitted. However, committee members
will provide copies of their Main Stage Production Reviewer Response form to all applying schools at the
Regional Acting Competitions or in the two weeks after.
*Those choosing Options 2 or 3 must also send a non-refundable $50.00 fee at the time of
application and leave TWO complimentary tickets at your ticket booth for respondents.
MAIL all applications, programs & DVD's by required deadlines to:
Main Stage Production Coordinator:
Kelley Marchant, Rex Putnam HS, 4950 SE Roethe Rd, Milwaukie, OR 97267
*Chosen Main Stage Production selections will be announced at the Regional Acting Competitions.
*Only plays or musicals that have not been presented at State conference in the last four years are eligible.
*Schools chosen to present must wait two full years before applying to present again.
*You need to be an active ITS member troupe to apply for Main Stage Production and your school must attend the State conference
(per Oregon Thespian guidelines) if chosen to present.
*The show must have been performed between the third week of January in the application year and the second weekof January in the
State Conference year.
*Presenting schools will submit to any reasonable restrictions in regards to textual material and technical needs from host venue. All
fire and safety codes must be strictly adhered to.
*Sponsors from presenting schools are expected to serve on the selection committee for 2-3 years after presenting. (See Main Stage
Production SOP for more explanation and details!)


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