100th Day Activities Page 5


Have a treat at the 100th minute of the school day.
Find out how many groups of 10 (or 5, 2, etc.) are in 100.
Figure out how long it would take to fuly 100 miles.
Writing Activities: (You can cut the writing paper into the shape of 100 for the students to write on and put in their own 100 book)
I wish I had 100
I would not want 100
I can make 100
I can eat 100
I could never eat 100
Having 100 would really be a problem.
If I had 100 I would buy
I like the 100th day of school because
I can do 100
I found 100
If I had 100
Prepare bags of 100 pennies, 100 popsicle sticks, 100 noodles,100 fruit loops, 100 candies, or any 100 items that you would like to
use. In groups have the children compare certain items to see which weighs more. Create a handout that lists which items you want
them to compare. For example, have the children use a balance to weigh the popsicle sticks and the pennies. Have them circle on the
handout the items that weigh the most. After comparing all of the items, have each group predict the order of the objects from lightest
to heaviest. Then have them actually weigh the items and put them in the actual order from lightest to heaviest.
As a class, try to make lists of 100 animals, 100 names, 100 foods, 100 books, 100 toys, etc.
You can make a class 50/50 book and title it A half of 100 is 50 or 50+50=100. Make a list of 50 big things/50 little things, 50 cold
things/50 hot things, 50 yellow things/50 blue things, 50 toys you would want/50 toys you would never want, etc.
Have the students fill in a chart from 1 to 100. Have them count by tens and color the tens yellow. Count by fives and color each box
blue. Count by twos and circle the boxes. Have them find the numbers that have a 4 (Choose any number) in the tens place and color it
green. You can keep having them color certain numbers as you wish. You can also use the 100 chart to play bingo.
Make several bags of items and have the students guess which bag has 100 items.
Make a store in your room and give each child a dollar in change (real or paper) and have them learn about money by buying things
from the store. You can sell pencils, erasers, little note pads, whatever you have to sell. Let them see what they can buy for 100
pennies. You can also use the different coins to see all of the different ways to make 100.( 10 dimes, 4 quarters, etc.)
Have the class trace 100 hands and glue them on a banner. Have each 10th hand be the same color.
How much is 100 inches? Use cubes to measure 100 inches. Take 100 steps. Where do you end up?
Use pattern blocks and see what kind of design you could make with 100 blocks.
How many times can you write your name in 100 seconds?
How many stars can you make in 100 seconds?
How many times can you write the alphabet in 100 seconds?
How many crackers can you eat in 100 seconds?
How many jumping jacks can you do in 100 seconds?
At the end of the day you can give them an award that says they gave 1 today or you could make an award that is a play 100 bill with a
picture of their face in the center.
You can also send home a 100th Day Newsletter and put photographs in that you have taken during the first 100 days.


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