Sample Payment Plan Agreement Template - City Of Chandler


Chandler, AZ 85000
Payment Plan Agreement
License No.: 999999
This letter confirms the City of Chandler’s agreement with the above noted taxpayer, in which
they acknowledge their indebtedness to the City as specified below and promise to pay the
amount due in monthly installments as follows:
Payment Period:
Total Amount Due:
$_________.__ (includes penalties)
Payment Schedule:
______ (__) equal monthly installments of
$1_________.__with the first payment due
___/___/___, plus one (1) final payment of
approximately $_________.__ due ___/___?___.
The payment plan is contingent upon receipt of the signed payment plan agreement and a good
faith payment of $_________.00 due by ___________, 20____. This payment will be applied to
the total amount due listed above. Furthermore, in accordance with Chandler Tax Code Section
62-590, Civil Actions, a tax lien may be filed against any and all real and personal property
owned by the taxpayer in order to satisfy all amounts due.
Interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding tax balance. An estimated payment schedule
has been included for reference. Payments are applied toward the penalty first, interest second,
and then the tax balance. Be advised that penalties may be abated, but such consideration cannot
be taken until the completion of the payment plan agreement. Failure to comply with any
portion of this agreement may disallow any previously agreed upon penalty abatement.
The final payment cannot be calculated exactly at this time, as the interest rate will vary over the
course of the plan. Please contact us during the last month of the plan for the exact payoff
amount. Due to this uncertainty, the final payment is not due until the last business day of the


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