Minnesota Property Tax Refund Forms And Instructions - 2006 Page 23


Use of information
Information not required
• the Minnesota Racing Commission if you
• the Legislative Auditor for purposes of
apply for or hold a license issued by the
auditing the department or a legislative
Although not required on Form M1PR, we
commission, or own a horse entered in an
ask for:
event licensed by the commission,
• the Department of Commerce for pur-
• your date of birth, and your spouse’s date
• any Minnesota state, county, city or other
poses of locating owners of unclaimed
of birth if filing a joint return, to correctly
local government agency that you are ask-
identify you and your spouse,
ing to issue or renew your professional li-
• sources necessary to use statutorily au-
• a code number indicating a political party
cense or your license to conduct business,
thorized tax collection tools for collecting
for the state elections campaign fund,
including a gambling equipment distribu-
tax or nontax debts,
• your phone number in case we have a
tor license and a bingo hall license,
• the Minnesota Department of Veterans
question about your return, and
• the Minnesota Department of Labor and
Affairs, for purposes of locating veterans
Industry for purposes of administering
• the phone number and Minnesota tax ID,
and notifying them of health hazards
laws relating to tax, workers’ compensa-
Social Security number or PTIN of the per-
they were exposed to as a result of service
tion, minimum wage and conditions of
son you paid to prepare your application.
in the armed forces, and of potential
benefits to which they, their dependents
All other information required
• a county, city or town government that
or survivors may be entitled to, or
All other information on this form is
has been designated as an enterprise zone
• a district court to determine eligibility for
required by Minnesota law to properly
or JOBZ zone,
a public defender.
identify you, to determine if you qualify for a
• the Minnesota State Lottery before you
There also may be instances in which the
property tax refund, and if so, the amount of
can contract to sell lottery tickets, or if
department will assist other state agencies
your refund. Your Social Security number is
you win a lottery prize of $600 or more,
in mailing information to you. Although
required by M.S. 270C.306. If you don’t pro-
• a local assessor for purposes of determin-
the department does not share your address
vide the required information, your property
ing whether homestead benefits have
information, we may send the information
tax refund may be delayed or denied.
been claimed appropriately,
to you on behalf of the other state agency.
If your return is audited and you appeal the
• the Department of Health for purposes of
audit decision to the Minnesota Tax Court,
epidemiologic investigations,
private information on your return, including
your Social Security number, may become
Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program
public by being included in the court’s file.
Information is private
What is it?
Eligibility requirements
All information you enter on Form M1PR
To participate in the program, you must
is private. The department will use the
The Senior Citizens Property Tax Deferral
meet all of the following requirements:
information to determine your property tax
Program is a voluntary program which
refund and may include the information as
allows eligible senior citizens to postpone
• You must be at least age 65 or older. If
part of tax research studies. The information
paying—or defer—a portion of their
you are married, both you and your
may also be used to verify the accuracy of
homestead property taxes, as well as spe-
spouse must be at least age 65.
any tax returns you file with the department.
cial assessments.
• Your total household income may not
exceed $60,000.
Also, according to state law, the department
If you are eligible and wish to participate
• You, or your spouse if you are married,
may share some or all of the information,
in the program, you will be required to pay
must have owned and occupied your
including your Social Security number, with:
no more than 3 percent of your household
homestead for the last 15 years. The
• the IRS and other state governments for
income (as stated on line 6 of Form M1PR)
homestead can be classified as residential
tax administration purposes,
toward your property taxes on your home-
or agricultural, or it may be part of a
stead each year. The state will loan you the
• Minnesota state or county agencies to
multi-unit building.
which you owe money,
remaining amount—the deferred tax—and
• There must be no state or federal tax
will pay it directly to your county.
liens or judgment liens on your property.
• another person who must list some or all
• The total unpaid balance of debts
of your income on his or her refund ap-
You must pay the deferred tax plus interest
secured by mortgages and other liens
back to the state. Also, when you apply for
against your property cannot exceed 75
• the Minnesota Department of Human
a property tax refund or when you are due
percent of the estimated market value of
Services for purposes of child support col-
a state income tax refund, your refund will
your homestead.
lection, the telephone assistance program,
be applied to your deferred property tax
the MinnesotaCare program or other
If you qualify and wish to participate, you
total. You will be notified when a refund
assistance programs,
must apply by July 1 to defer a portion of
is used to reduce the amount of your
• a court that has found you to be delin-
the following year’s property tax. Ap-
deferred tax.
quent in child support payments,
plications (Form CR-SCD) are available
If you participate, a tax lien will be placed
at or from your
• the Minnesota Department of Employ-
on your property. You, or your heirs, will
county auditor’s office.
ment and Economic Development if you
need to repay the deferred amount before
received unemployment compensation or
For questions related only to this program,
you can transfer title of the property.
are participating in an enterprise zone or
call 651-556-6088. TTY users, call
Job Opportunity Building Zone (JOBZ),

Minnesota Relay at 711.


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