Business License Application - City Of Alexandria - 2012

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City of Alexandria 2012 Business License Application
Business Tax
City Hall - Room 1700
P.O. Box 178, Alexandria, VA 22313
703.746.3903 tax
Owner’s Name
Owner’s Address
Ownership Type:
Sole Proprietorship
Limited Liability Company
(Check appropriate box)
(List name & address of
(List names & addresses of all partners
registered agent)
on a separate sheet of paper)
Business Trade Name:
Federal ID #:
Or Social Security #:
Sales Tax Identification Number:
Business Location:
Business Mailing Address:
Business Telephone Number:
Number of Employees:
Description of Business:
NAICS Code Number:
Enter 6 digit (NAIC) North American Industry Classification System Code (s) Used for Tax Filings
(available at: )
Do you own a vehicle that is used for business purposes?
(Check appropriate box)
If "Yes", provide VIN and percentage of vehicle's use for business
Vehicle Identification Number(s):
Percentage of Business Use:
(Attach an additional page, if you have more than one vehicle.)
Transfer of Ownership
or New Business
Date Business Began in City:
(Check appropriate box)
2012 Estimated Gross Receipts:
Bank Name:
2011 Actual Gross Receipts:
E-Mail Address: ______________________________
(An original signature of owner or authorized corporate representative is required.)
C For instructions on obtaining a business license, and filing for business personal property, refer to the instruction on the reverse of this form.
C Please note that a business may require more than one business license if it engages in more than one kind of licensable activity.
( e.g. A retail store that also provides a professional consulting service or a restaurant that also retails packaged food or T-shirts)
C To avoid a statutorily assessed business personal property tax bill, a business personal property tax return must be filed on or before May 1.


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