50-758 (01-08/4)
Appraisal district name
Phone (area code and number)
This exemption applies to items in your inventory of last year (if applicable) that (1) were acquired in or imported into Texas to be forwarded to another location (2) were tempo-
rarily stored at a location in which you do not have a direct or indirect ownership interest for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing or fabricating by the person who
acquired or impotred the items and (3) that are transported to another location, inside or outside the state, within 175 days after the items were acquired or imported into the
state. The exemption does not apply to oil, natural gas, petroleum products, aircraft, dealer’s motor vehicle inventory, dealer’s vessel and outboard motor inventory, dealer’s
heavy equipment inventory or retail manufactured housing inventory. You must file the completed form between January 1 and no later than April 30 of this year. Be sure to
attach any additional documents requested. You must apply for the exemption in each year you claim entitlement.
Step 1:
Owner’s name
name and
Current mailing address
City, state, ZIP Code
Phone (area code and number)
Name of person preparing this application
Driver’s License, Personal I.D. Certificate or
Social Security Number*:
Step 2:
Authorized agent’s name (if different from above)
Mailing address
City, state, ZIP Code
Phone (area code and number)
Step 3:
Give appraisal roll account number if available or attach tax bill or copy of appraisal or tax office
Appraisal district account number
correspondence concerning this account. If unavailable, give the street address at which the property is
Describe the
Location of inventory (street address, city, ZIP Code)
Give a general description of the types of items in this inventory. (use additional sheets if necessary)
For the purposes of this application, “inventory” means your inventory of finished goods, supplies, raw materials and work in process.
Step 4:
Answer these
(a) Are you applying for the freeport exemption this year? ............................................................................ Yes
(b) Will portions of this inventory be transported inside or out of the state this year? ................................. Yes
about your
(c) Have you applied for appraisal of your inventory on September 1? ....................................................... Yes
(d) Were portions of your inventory transported to another location inside or
out of the state throughout last year? ...................................................................................................... Yes
If you checked “no,” because inventory was transported for part of year, list the months during which portions of your inventory
were transported to another location last year.
1. Give the total cost of goods sold for the entire year ending December 31, ________________ $ ______________________________
2. Give the total cost of goods sold that were acquired in Texas or imported into Texas to
forward to another location, that were detained at a location you had no ownership interest
in, for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing or fabricating by the person who
acquired or imported them, and that were transported to another location within 175 days
after the date you acquired them or imported them into the state last year, less the cost of
any equipment, machinery, or materials that were incorporated into the goods, but that do
not qualify as goods-in-transit inventory.
$ ______________________________
3. On what types of records do you base the amounts given above? (Check as many as apply.)
Audited financial statements
Sales records
Internal reports
Bills of lading
Texas franchise tax reports
Other (describe) ________________________________________________
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