Instructions For Schedule D (Form 5500) - Dfe/participating Plan Information - 2002


Element (d). Enter an M, C, P, or E, as appropriate, (see table
2002 Instructions for Schedule D
below) to identify the type of entity (MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12
(Form 5500)
DFE/Participating Plan Information
Type of entity
Enter in (d)
General Instructions
Purpose of Schedule
When the Form 5500 is filed for a plan or DFE that invested or
participated in any MTIAs, 103-12 IEs, CCTs and/or PSAs, Part
I provides information about these entities. When the Form
5500 is filed for a DFE, Part II provides information about plans
participating in the DFE.
103 – 12 IE
Who Must File
Employee Benefit Plans: Schedule D must be attached to a
Form 5500 filed for an employee benefit plan that participated
or invested in one or more common/collective trusts (CCTs),
Element (e). Enter the dollar value of the plan’s or DFE’s
pooled separate accounts (PSAs), master trust investment
interest as of the end of the year. If the plan or DFE for which
accounts (MTIAs), or 103-12 Investment Entities (103-12 IEs) at
this Schedule D is filed had no interest in the MTIA, CCT, PSA,
anytime during the plan year.
or 103-12 IE listed at the end of the year, enter ‘‘0’’.
Direct Filing Entities: Schedule D must be attached to a Form
Example for Part I: If a plan participates in a MTIA, the
5500 filed for a CCT, PSA, MTIA, 103-12 IE or Group Insurance
MTIA is named in element (a); the MTIA’s sponsor is named in
Arrangement (GIA), as a Direct Filing Entity (i.e., when Form
element (b); the MTIA’s EIN and PN is entered in element (c)
5500 Part I, line A(4) is checked). For more information, see
(such as: 12-3456789-001); an ‘‘M’’ is entered in element (d);
instructions for Direct Filing Entity (DFE) on pages 4 and 9 of
and the dollar value of the plan’s interest in the MTIA as of the
the instructions for the Form 5500.
end of the plan year is entered in element (e).
Check the Schedule D box on the Form 5500 (Part II, line
10b(5)) if a Schedule D is attached to the Form 5500. Multiple
If the plan also participates in a CCT for which a Form 5500
Schedule D pages must be attached to the Form 5500 if
was not filed, the CCT is named in another element (a); the
necessary to report the required information. You can get
name of the CCT sponsor is entered in element (b); the EIN for
additional hand print pages by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM
the CCT, followed by 000 is entered in element (c) (such as:
(1-800-829-3676) to request additional schedules.
99-8765432-000); a ‘‘C’’ is entered in element (d); and the
dollar value of the plan’s interest in the CCT is entered in
Specific Instructions
element (e).
Lines A, B, C, and D. The information should be the same as
If the plan also participates in a PSA for which a Form 5500
reported in Part II of the Form 5500 to which this Schedule D is
was filed, the PSA is named in a third element (a); the name of
attached. You may abbreviate the plan name (if necessary) to
the PSA sponsor is entered in element (b); the PSA’s EIN and
fit in the space provided.
PN is entered in element (c) (such as: 98-7655555-001); a ‘‘P’’
Part I - Information on Interests in MTIAs, CCTs,
is entered in element (d); and the dollar value of the plan’s
PSAs, and 103 – 12 IEs (To Be Completed by Plans
interest in the PSA is entered in element (e).
and DFEs)
Part II - Information on Participating Plans
Use as many pages as necessary to enter the information
(To Be Completed by DFEs)
specified below for all MTIAs, CCTs, PSAs, and 103-12 IEs in
which the plan or DFE filing the Form 5500 participated at
Use as many pages as necessary to enter the information
anytime during the plan or DFE year.
specified below for all plans that invested or participated in the
DFE at any time during the DFE year.
Complete a separate item (elements (a) through (e)) for
each MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE.
Complete a separate item (elements (a) through (c)) for
Element (a). Enter the name of the MTIA, CCT, PSA, or
each plan.
103-12 IE in which the plan or DFE filing the Form 5500
participated at any time during the plan or DFE year.
Element (a). Enter the name of each plan that invested or
participated in the DFE at any time during the DFE year. GIAs
Element (b). Enter the name of the sponsor of the MTIA, CCT,
need not complete element (a).
PSA, or 103-12 IE named in (a).
Element (c). Enter the nine-digit employer identification
Element (b). Enter the sponsor of each investing or
number (EIN) and three-digit plan/entity number (PN) for each
participating plan.
MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE named in (a). This must be the
Element (c). Enter the nine-digit EIN and three-digit PN for
same EIN/PN as reported on lines 2b and 1b of the Form 5500
each plan named in element (a). This is the EIN and PN
filed for the DFE. If a Form 5500 was not filed for a CCT or
entered on lines 2b and 1b of the plan’s Form 5500. GIAs
PSA named in element (a), enter the EIN for the CCT or PSA
should enter the EIN of the sponsor listed in element (b).
and enter 000 for the PN.
Instructions for Schedule D (Form 5500)


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