Indian Housing Plan And Annual Performance Report Form Guidance - U.s. Department Of Housing And Urban Development Page 7


IHP and APR Guidance
once a year to maintain a valid status. To register or update a current registration visit
Fill in the recipient’s actual or estimated amount of IHBG formula funds. If the grant
Line 22:
amount has not yet been finalized for the specific FFY, the recipient may either use the
IHBG estimate provided by HUD on the Formula Response Form or the previous FFY
IHBG amount. Once the final IHBG grant amount is known, the recipient should
update the IHP in its files to reflect that actual grant amount. HUD will not conduct a
second review of the IHP once the actual grant amount is known unless the recipient
chooses to add additional activities not already described in the plan, or the recipient
chooses to reduce funding to protect and maintain the viability of 1937 Act housing. In
that case, the recipient will be required to amend the IHP and submit it to the Area
ONAP for review. See Section 16 for more information on amending an IHP.
Lines 23-24: Enter the name and title of the person authorized to submit the IHP.
Lines 25-26: The person authorized to submit the IHP must sign and enter the date of the IHP
submission. By signing the IHP, the authorized person is accepting and endorsing the
certifications in Section 7 (Indian Housing Plan Certification of Compliance) and
Section 9 (Tribal Wage Rate Certification).
Lines 27-28: Enter the name and title of the person authorized to submit the APR.
Lines 29-30: The person authorized to submit the APR must sign and enter the date of the APR
submission. By signing the APR, the authorized person is certifying that the document
is accurate and reflects the activities actually accomplished during the program year.
Statutory Reference: [102(b)(2)(B)]
The purpose of this section is to identify the types of housing needs that the recipient has identified for
low-income Indian families and all Indian families in the tribe’s jurisdiction.
Line 1:
Type of Need. Check the appropriate boxes in Column B and C to identify the types of
housing need.
Column B. (Low-Income Indian Families) Check the boxes that describe the estimated
types of housing needed and the need for other housing-related assistance for low-income
Indian families in the tribe’s jurisdiction (those earning less than 80 percent of median
income). This list should reflect the needs of all low-income Native Americans in the
jurisdiction, including tribal and non-tribal members. Check as many or as few needs as are
applicable to the recipient’s community.
Column C. (All Indian Families) Check the boxes that describe the estimated types of
housing needed and the need for other housing-related assistance for all Indian families in
the tribe’s jurisdiction, including non-low-income families.
Revised January 2015
Page 7


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