Form 765-Gp - Kentucky General Partnership Income Return - 2012 Page 2


Form 765-GP (2012)
Page 2
Commonwealth of Kentucky
IMPORTANT: Questions 4—10 must be completed by all general
6. For the taxable period being reported, was the general
partnerships. If this is the general partnership’s initial return or if
partnership a partner in a pass-through entity doing
the general partnership did not file a return under the same name
business in Kentucky?  Yes  No
and same federal I.D. number for the preceding year, questions
If yes, list name and federal I.D. number of the pass-through
1, 2 and 3 must be answered. Failure to do so may result in a
entity(ies). ____________________________________________
request for a delinquent return.
1. Indicate whether: (a)  new business; (b)  successor to
previously existing business which was organized as:
For the taxable period being reported, was the general
(1)  corporation; (2)  partnership; (3)  sole proprietorship; or
partnership doing business in Kentucky other than through
(4)  other _______________________________________________
its interest held in a pass-through entity doing business in
Kentucky?  Yes  No
If successor to previously existing business, give name,
address and federal I.D. number of the previous business
Are related party costs as defined in KRS 141.205(1)(l)
organization. ____________________________________________
included in this return?  Yes
 No. If yes, attach
Schedule RPC, Related Party Costs Disclosure Statement,
and enter any related party cost additions on Page 1, Line
2. List the following Kentucky account numbers. Enter N/A for
any number not applicable.
8. Was this return prepared on: (a)  cash basis, (b)  accrual
Employer Withholding ___________________________________
Sales and Use Tax Permit _________________________________
basis, (c)  other ______________________________________
Consumer Use Tax _______________________________________
Unemployment Insurance ________________________________
9. Did the general partnership file a Kentucky tangible personal
Coal Severance and/or Processing Tax _____________________
property tax return for January 1, 2013?  Yes  No
3. If a foreign general partnership, enter the date qualified to do
business in Kentucky. __ __ / __ __ / __ __
10. Is the general partnership currently under audit by the
Internal Revenue Service?  Yes  No
4. The general partnership’s books are in care of: (name and
If yes, enter years under audit
If the Internal Revenue Ser vic e has made f inal and
unappealable adjustments to the general partnership’s
taxable income which have not been repor ted to the
5. Are disregarded entities included in this return?
depar tment, check here   and file an amended Form
765-GP for each year adjusted. Attach a copy of the final
 Yes  No. If yes, list name, address and federal I.D.
determination to each amended return.
number of each entity. _________________________________


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