Form W-9s - Request For Student'S Or Borrower'S Taxpayer Identification Number And Certification

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Request for Student's or Borrower's Taxpayer
Give form to the
Identification Number and Certification
(Rev. December 2017)
requester. Do not
send to the IRS.
Department of the Treasury
Go to for the latest information.
Internal Revenue Service
Part I
Student or Borrower Identification (All must complete.)
Name of student or borrower (see instructions)
Taxpayer identification number
Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.)
City, state, and ZIP code
Part II
Student Loan Certification (Complete for student loans only.)
I certify that all of the loan proceeds are solely to pay for qualified higher education expenses.
Signature of borrower
Part III
Requester Information (Optional)
Requester’s name and address
Tuition account number
Loan account number
General Instructions
address of the borrower if the request for the borrower’s SSN or
ITIN is being made because of a student loan.
Future developments. For the latest information about
Note: If you pay tuition to and have a student loan from the
developments related to Form W-9S and its instructions, such
same educational institution and the student is not the loan
as legislation enacted after they were published, go to
borrower (for example, the borrower is the student’s parent),
complete two Forms W-9S, one for the student and one for the
Purpose of form. An eligible educational institution, such as a
loan borrower.
college or university, or a lender of a student loan must get your
Taxpayer’s identifying number. Enter your SSN or ITIN. If you
correct identifying number to file certain information returns with
do not have an SSN or ITIN and you have applied for one or you
the IRS and to furnish a statement to you. For students, this will
intend to apply for one soon, write “Applied For” in the space
be your social security number (SSN) or, if you are not eligible to
provided. If the IRS has deactivated your ITIN, you may still use
obtain an SSN, your individual taxpayer identification number
it on Form W-9S. However, you will have to apply to renew your
(ITIN). The returns they must file contain information about
deactivated ITIN when you need to file a tax return. For more
qualified tuition and related expenses (Form 1098-T, Tuition
information, see the Instructions for Form W-7.
Statement) and student loan interest (Form 1098-E, Student
How to get an SSN or ITIN. To apply for an SSN, use Form
Loan Interest Statement). The information about your tuition will
SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card, that you can get
help to determine whether you, or the person who can claim you
from your local Social Security Administration office or get this
as a dependent, may take either the tuition and fees deduction
form online at You may also get this form
or claim an education credit to reduce federal income tax. The
by calling 1-800-772-1213.
information about your student loan interest will help to
determine your deduction for such interest. For more
To apply for an ITIN because you are not eligible to get an
information, see Pub. 970, Tax Benefits for Education.
SSN, use Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer
Identification Number. Go to to view,
Use Form W-9S to give your correct SSN or ITIN to the
download, or print Form W-7. Or, you can go to
person requesting it and, if applicable, to certify that the
OrderForms to place an order and have Form W-7 mailed to you
proceeds of a loan are being used, or will be used, solely to pay
within 10 business days.
for qualified higher education expenses (defined on page 2).
You are required to provide the requested information.
Part II. Student Loan Certification
Note: The educational institution or lender may request your
If your loan is a student loan incurred solely to pay for qualified
SSN or ITIN and certification on paper or electronically.
higher education expenses, sign the certification in Part II. If you
do not sign the certification, the lender may not issue or file
Specific Instructions
Form 1098-E for student loan interest on your behalf. Do not
sign the certification for a mixed use loan because such a loan
Part I. Student or Borrower Identification
is not used solely for qualified higher education expenses.
However, you may sign the certification for a revolving line of
You must complete this part.
credit or similar loan if you use the line of credit solely to pay for
Name and address. Enter the name and mailing address of the
qualified higher education expenses.
student if the request for the student’s SSN or ITIN is being
made because of tuition payments. Enter the name and mailing
(Rev. 12-2017)
For Privacy Act Notice, see page 2.
Cat. No. 25240C


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