Year 1 Geography Worksheets Page 7


Lesson 2: Scotland
In this lesson children will learn about one of the countries in the United Kingdom; Scotland. They will use atlases and maps to locate Scotland and will begin to
recognise the shape of the United Kingdom from looking at maps. Edinburgh Castle is in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, and it is one of the most famous castles
in the world. Edinburgh is also the location of the Scottish Parliament where people are elected to make decisions about the country. The southern part of Scotland is
where the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh are located, while the northern part of the country, called the Highlands, is more rural. Here you can find large mountains
called Munros, valleys and enormous lakes called lochs. One of the deepest lakes in Britain is Loch Ness and there is rumoured to be a monster that lives in the
murky waters at the bottom of the loch.
Core Knowledge
Activities for Learning
Assessment Questions
Use atlases and maps to locate Scotland. Look at the
Can you tell me something about
shape of the land and identify some of the many islands
To recognise Scotland
Scotland is a country in the
surrounding the mainland. Locate the capital city,
as one of the
United Kingdom.
Can you find Scotland on a map?
countries in the
United Kingdom.
Scotland is located to the north
Look at images of Hadrian’s wall which for some time in
of England.
Can you describe the Scottish flag?
the past was the boundary between Caledonia (Scotland)
and Britannia (roughly Wales and England). Identify the
What is the capital city of Scotland?
The Scottish flag is blue with a
actual border which lies to the south of the wall.
white cross.
Loch Ness
Find out about Scottish traditions and customs such as
Grampian Mountains
wearing kilts and playing bagpipes. Create some tartan by
Hadrian’s Wall
weaving ribbons or strips of coloured paper. Children
could create a factsheet for Scotland and include
information such as place names, the Scottish flag, the
symbol of the thistle etc.
Look at some images of Scotland such as the Grampian
Mountains, Loch Ness, thistles etc. Talk about how
symbols such as thistles can represent countries. Find out
about different
species found in Scotland. Discuss
the mysterious Loch Ness Monster and write a newspaper
report after a ‘sighting’.
Teacher knowledge:
Facts about Scotland
Information and images from
Visit Scotland
Scotland’s landscape
- including several video clips
Sing or listen to
The Skye Boat Song
- a traditional Scottish lullaby or read a book from the
Katie Morag
series by Mairi Hedderwick


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