Summit Management Services, LLC
119 Heritage Drive
P.O. Box 2715
Oxford, Mississippi 38655
THIS AGREEMENT is made this, the _______ day of _______________, 2____,
between ______________________________________________ (hereinafter called “Owner”)
and SUMMIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LLC (hereinafter called “Agent”), on the
following terms and conditions:
1. APPOINTMENT AND ACCEPTANCE. Owner hereby appoints Agent as exclusive
agent for Owner to manage, operate, lease and rent the property identified in Section 2 of
this Agreement (hereinafter called the “Property”) on the terms and conditions set forth in
this Agreement. Agent accepts such appointment as Owner’s exclusive agent on the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
2. PROPERTY. The Property is described as follows:
Number of Dwelling Units: _______________________
3. CONSIDERATION. This Agreement is made for and in consideration of the mutual
promises and covenants of the parties hereto and the services to be rendered hereunder by
Agent and the compensation herein agreed by Owner to be paid to Agent for such
4. MANAGEMENT STANDARDS AND GOALS. Agent agrees to furnish the services of
its organization, Summit Management Services, LLC, to manage the Property
competently and professionally with the goal of providing Owner with the maximum
economic return on the Property consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Agent shall
strive to keep the Property rented by procuring tenants for the townhouses or apartments
or dwelling units (hereinafter “Rental Units”) which compromise the Property and are
available for rental. Agent will offer the Rental Units for lease upon terms and conditions
approved by Owner from time to time and in compliance with all state and federal
housing laws, including but not limited to, any state and/or federal laws prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or
familial status.
Owner hereby delegates to Agent and Agent hereby accepts all authority necessary and
proper to perform the following responsibilities and duties:
a. On behalf of and in the name of Owner, Agent will negotiate and execute all
leases for Rental Units, provided, however, that Agent shall not execute any lease
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Rev. 12/15/11