Form Pt-303 - Railroad Exemption Certificate For Non-Highway Diesel Motor Fuel


New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Railroad Exemption Certificate for
Non-Highway Diesel Motor Fuel
Purchasers and sellers: Read instructions and certification carefully before giving or accepting this certificate.
Sellers: Your sales are subject to the petroleum business tax at the highway diesel motor fuel rate, unless the purchaser gives you a
properly completed certificate at or before the time of delivery. Keep this certificate for at least three years.
Purchasers: You must complete this certificate and give it to the seller. Please type or print.
Name of seller
Name of purchaser
Street address
Street address
ZIP code
ZIP code
New York State diesel motor fuel registration number
Purchaser’s Certificate of Authority number
Mark an X in the applicable box:
Single-purchase certificate
Date of delivery
Invoice or delivery ticket number
Gallons purchased or sold
Blanket certificate — will be considered part of any order given to the seller and will remain in force until revoked by written notice.
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the non-highway diesel motor fuel covered by this certificate will be used only to fuel locomotives
or other self-propelled rolling stock that runs only on rails. The fuel is being delivered into a storage tank not equipped with a nozzle
designed to fuel a motor vehicle or delivered directly into locomotives or other self-propelled rolling stock that runs only on rails. (My
purchase of non-highway diesel motor fuel is subject to the petroleum business tax at the railroad diesel rate, subject to the New
York State and local sales tax, and exempt from the diesel motor fuel excise tax.)
I hereby certify that the non-highway diesel motor fuel being purchased will be delivered and used as stated above.
Signature of purchaser or authorized representative
Any person who attempts to use this form to evade taxes due on diesel motor fuel will be subject to penalties as provided by the New York
State Tax Law. Under section 1812-f(1), this person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; however, if the tax liability evaded is equal to or greater
than $1,000, such person would be guilty of a class E felony.
General information
sales until revoked in writing by the purchaser, or the purchaser
may mark the single-purchase certificate box, in which case a
A person may purchase non-highway diesel motor fuel at the
separate certificate must be given for each subsequent sale.
railroad diesel rate by giving this properly completed certificate to a
registered distributor of diesel motor fuel. All the fuel must be used
The purchaser or an authorized representative of the purchaser
only to fuel locomotives or other self-propelled rolling stock that
must sign this certificate.
runs only on rails. The seller must deliver the non-highway diesel
motor fuel directly into the locomotives or other self-propelled
Need help?
rolling stock. If the seller delivers the non-highway diesel motor fuel
into a storage tank, the tank must not be equipped to fuel motor
Internet access:
(for information, forms, and publications)
Non-highway diesel motor fuel is any diesel motor fuel that is
designated for use other than on a public highway (except for the
Telephone assistance
use of the public highway by farmers to reach adjacent lands), and
is dyed diesel motor fuel.
Miscellaneous Tax Information Center:
(518) 457-5735
The distributor must keep this certificate for at least three years
To order forms and publications:
(518) 457-5431
after the date of the last sale covered by the certificate.
Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline (for persons with
hearing and speech disabilities using a TTY):
(518) 485-5082
The purchaser must give this certificate to the seller at or before
Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our
the first sale of non-highway diesel motor fuel covered by this
lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, and other facilities are
accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have questions
The purchaser may mark an X in either the blanket certificate box,
about special accommodations for persons with disabilities, call
in which case this certificate may be used to cover all subsequent
the information center.


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