Instructions For Arizona Form 140nr - Nonresident Personal Income Tax Return - 2014 Page 17


Arizona Form 140NR
If you report as a farmer or fisherman for federal purposes,
agencies, your refund may go to pay some of the debt.
you were not required to make estimated payments during
so, the department will let you know by letter.
2014 if the following apply.
Tax Tip: If you change your address before you get your
1. You are a calendar year filer. You file your Arizona
refund, let the department know. Write to: Refund Desk,
return by March 1, 2015. You pay in full the amount
Arizona Department of Revenue, PO Box 29216, Phoenix,
stated on your return as owed.
AZ 85038-9216. Include your SSN in your letter.
2. You are a fiscal year filer. You file your Arizona return
Direct Deposit of Refund
by the first day of the third month after the end of your
fiscal year. You pay in full the amount stated on your
Complete the direct deposit line if you want us to directly
return as owed.
deposit the amount shown on line 85 into your account at
If the above applies, check box
on line 83 and do not
a bank or other financial institution (such as a mutual
complete Form 221.
fund, brokerage firm or credit union) instead of sending
An individual who fails to make the required estimated
you a check.
payments is subject to penalty on any estimated tax payment
NOTE: Check the box on line
A if the direct deposit will
that is late or underpaid.
ultimately be placed in a foreign account. If you check box
Complete and include Form 221, Underpayment of
A, do not enter your routing or account numbers. If this box
Estimated Tax by Individuals, to determine if any penalty is
is checked, we will not direct deposit your refund. We will
due. Enter the total penalty from Form 221.
send you a check instead.
Why Use Direct Deposit?
Account (AZLTHSA) Withdrawal Penalty
You must pay a withdrawal penalty if you made a long-term
You will get your refund fast - even faster if you e-file!
health care savings account withdrawal during 2014 for
Payment is more secure since there is no check to get lost.
purposes other than to pay for qualified long-term health
It is more convenient. No trip to the bank to deposit
care expenses. Long-term health care expense means any
your check.
expense you paid for long-term health care costs, including
Saves tax dollars. A refund by direct deposit costs less
the following:
to process than a check.
expenses for skilled nursing care
expenses for home health care
NOTE: We are not responsible for a lost refund if you enter
personal care or supportive services due to the loss of
the wrong account information. Check with your financial
some capacity for self-care based on a chronic illness or
institution to get the correct routing and account numbers
and to make sure your direct deposit will be accepted.
The penalty is equal to 10% (.10) of the withdrawal. You
Routing Number
must remit this penalty with your income tax return filed for
the year in which you made the withdrawal.
Multiply the amount of your withdrawal subject to penalty
by 10% (.10). Enter the result.
The routing number must be nine digits. The first 2 digits
Line 83 - Box
1 through Box
must be 01 through 12 or 21 through 32. Otherwise, the
direct deposit will be rejected and a check will be sent
1: check if any of the following applies to you.
instead. On the sample check below, the routing number is
1. You checked the box on line 1 of Form 221.
2. You completed the annualized income worksheet on
Your check may state that it is payable through a financial
Form 221.
institution different from the one at which you have your
3. You elected to be treated as a nonresident alien on your
checking account. If so, do not use the routing number on
federal income tax return. You made three estimated
that check. Instead, contact your financial institution for the
payment installments. Your first installment equaled
correct routing number to enter here.
50% of the total of all of your required installments.
2: check if you are an individual who for federal
purposes reports as a farmer or fisherman.
3: check if you completed and are including Form
4: check if you included an Arizona long-term HSA
penalty on line 82.
Line 84 -
Add lines 70 through 80 and 82. Enter the total
Figuring Your Refund or Tax Due
Line 85 - Refund
Account Number
Subtract line 84 from line 69. Enter your refund on line 85
and skip line 86. If less than zero, enter amount owed on
line 86.
If you owe money to any Arizona state agency, court,
The account number can be up to 17 characters (both
county, incorporated city or town and certain federal
numbers and letters). DO NOT include hyphens, spaces or


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