Tc-40 Forms And Instructions - Individual Income Tax Page 10


16. Initial Credit Before Phase-out
Qualifi ed Exempt Taxpayer Worksheet for Line 21
1. Enter the federal adjusted gross income from:
Multiply line 15 by 6% (.06).
line 37
line 36
17. Base Phase-out Amount
line 21
line 10
line 4
Enter the following base phase-out amount determined by
your fi ling status shown on line 1.
2. Enter your standard deduction.
Filing Status
Base Amount
Note: If your standard deduction was limited, enter
1 - Single
the amount allowed on your federal return. If you claimed
2 - Married fi ling jointly
itemized deductions on your federal return which were less
3 - Married fi ling separately $13,029
than your federal standard deduction, enter this lessor amount.
4 - Head of household
Federal 1040NR and 1040NR-EZ fi lers, enter "0." Otherwise,
5 - Qualifying widow(er)
see the following for your fi ling status.
Enter $5,950 (if you fi led federal form
18. Income Subject to Phase-out
1040EZ and checked the box on line 5, enter
the amount from line E on back of your 1040EZ form)
Subtract line 17 (the base phase-out) from line 9 (Utah taxable
income). If the result is zero or less, enter "0."
Head of Household:
Enter $8,700
Married fi ling joint:
Enter $11,900 (if you fi led federal
19. Phase-out Amount
form 1040EZ and checked either box on line 5, enter
Multiply line 18 by 1.3% (.013). This is the credit phase-out
the amount from line E on back of your 1040EZ form)
Married fi ling separate:
If your spouse did not itemize,
enter $5,950. If your spouse itemized, enter "0."
20. Taxpayer Tax Credit
Qualifying widow(er):
Enter $11,900
Subtract the phase-out amount on line 19 from the initial credit
on line 16. If the result is zero or less, enter "0."
3. Enter your exemption amount from:
line 42
line 40
21. Qualifi ed Exempt Taxpayers
line 26
line 13
If your federal adjusted gross income is less than or equal to
if you checked either box on line 5, enter the
amount from line F on back of your 1040EZ form.
the sum of your federal exemption amount and your federal
If you are single and did not check a box on line 5, enter
standard deduction you are exempt from Utah income tax. For
$3,800. If you are married fi ling jointly and did not check a
this purpose, the federal standard deduction does not include
box on line 5, enter $7,600.
the extra deductions for age, blindness, sales tax on new vehicle
4. Add lines 2 and 3
purchase, or disaster loss.
5. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If the amount is
Complete the worksheet on this page to see if you qualify.
less than zero, enter "0."
If the
amount on line 5 of this worksheet is more than
zero, leave
22. Utah Income Tax
the box on TC-40, line 21 blank and go to line 22.
Subtract the taxpayer tax credit on line 20 from the tax
If the
amount on line 5 of this worksheet is
zero, you are exempt
calculated on line 10. If the result is zero or less, enter "0."
from Utah income tax. Enter "X" in the box on TC-40, line 21 and enter
"0" on line 22. Then complete the balance of the return.
If you qualifi ed as exempt from Utah tax (see worksheet for
line 21 on this page) and checked the box on line 21, enter "0."
25. Enter Tax
Apportionable nonrefundable credits cannot exceed the tax
____ TC-40, Page 2 ____
liability on the return.
23. Tax from Page 1
FULL-YEAR RESIDENTS - Subtract the apportionable credits
The Utah income tax shown on line 22 on page 1 is entered
on line 24 from the tax on line 23 and enter the result on line
on line 23 on page 2.
25. Do not enter an amount less than zero. Complete the rest
of the return.
24. Apportionable Nonrefundable Credits
NON OR PART-YEAR RESIDENTS – Subtract the apportion-
Apportionable nonrefundable credits can reduce your
able credits on line 24 from the tax on line 23 and enter the
income tax to zero, but cannot result in a refund.
result on TC-40B, Non or Part-year Resident Schedule, line
36. Do not enter an amount less than zero. Complete TC-40B,
The following apportionable nonrefundable credits are
enter the tax from TC-40B, line 37 on TC-40, page 2, line 25.
entered on TC-40A, Part 3. Enter the sum of all apportionable
Complete the rest of the return.
nonrefundable credits on line 24 of TC-40.
• Capital Gain Transactions Credit
See detailed instructions for the TC-40B, Non and Part-year
• Retirement Tax Credit
Resident Schedule on page 25.
• Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) 529 Plan Credit
26. Nonapportionable Nonrefundable
• Medical Care Savings Account (MSA) Credit
• Health Benefi t Plan Credit
• Qualifying Solar Project Credit
Nonapportionable nonrefundable credits can reduce
• Gold and Silver Coin Sale Credit
your income tax to zero, but cannot result in a refund.
See instructions for TC-40A, Part 3, and an explanation of
The following nonapportionable nonrefundable credits are
each apportionable nonrefundable credit beginning on page
entered on TC-40A, Part 4. Enter the sum of all nonapportion-
17 of these instructions.
able nonrefundable credits on line 26 of TC-40.
At-Home Parent Tax Credit
Qualifi ed Sheltered Workshop Cash Contribution Credit


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