New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Instructions for Form IT-201-V
Payment Voucher for Income Tax Returns
Fee for payments returned by banks – The law allows the Tax
Who must use a payment voucher?
Department to charge a $50 fee when a check, money order,
If you e-filed a New York State income tax return (on
or electronic payment is returned by a bank for nonpayment.
Form IT-201 or Form IT-203) and you owe tax, you must submit
However, if an electronic payment is returned as a result of
this payment voucher, Form IT-201-V below, if you pay by
an error by the bank or the department, the department won’t
check or money order. If you authorized the Tax Department to
charge the fee. If your payment is returned, we will send a
withdraw the payment from your bank account (electronic funds
separate bill for $50 for each return or other tax document
withdrawal) or paid by credit card, do not file Form IT-201-V.
associated with the returned payment.
Also use Form IT-201-V if you previously filed your income
tax return (Form IT-201, Form IT-203, Form IT-201-X, or
Where do I send my payment and payment
Form IT-203-X) and want to make a payment for that return.
To find out more about your payment options, visit the Tax
Send your payment and this payment voucher to:
Department’s Web site (at ).
When do I file?
PO BOX 4124
You must pay the amount you owe by April 15, 2013, to avoid
BINGHAMTON NY 13902-4124
interest and penalties.
Private delivery services
If you choose, you may use a private delivery service, instead of
How do I prepare my payment?
the U.S. Postal Service, to mail in your form and tax payment.
Make your check or money order payable to New York State
However, if, at a later date, you need to establish the date you
Income Tax for the full amount you owe and write your social
filed or paid your tax, you cannot use the date recorded by a
security number and 2012 Income Tax on it.
private delivery service unless you used a delivery service that
has been designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
How do I prepare the payment voucher?
or the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. (Currently
Enter your name, social security number (SSN), and address
designated delivery services are listed in Publication 55,
in the spaces provided; if you filed a joint return, include your
Designated Private Delivery Services. See Need help? on the
spouse’s name and SSN in the spaces provided. Do not include
back page of these instructions for information on obtaining
your spouse’s name and SSN if you filed separate returns or if
forms and publications.) If you have used a designated private
you filed Form IT-203-C.
delivery service and need to establish the date you filed your
form, contact that private delivery service for instructions on
Foreign addresses – Enter the information in the following
how to obtain written proof of the date your form was given
order: city, province or state, and then country (all in the City,
to the delivery service for delivery. If you use any private
village, or post office box). Follow the country’s practice for
delivery service, whether it is a designated service or not,
entering the postal code. Do not abbreviate the country name.
send the forms covered by these instructions to: JPMorgan
Enter the amount of your payment in the space provided (enter
Chase, NYS Tax Processing – Estimated Tax, 33 Lewis Rd.,
only whole dollar amounts). Detach the payment voucher at the
Binghamton NY 13905-1040.
line indicated below.
Enclose your check or money order with your voucher. Please
do not staple or clip your check to your voucher. Detach any
check stubs.
Detach here
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Payment Voucher for Income Tax Returns
Make your check or money order payable to New York State Income Tax for the full amount you owe and write your social security
number and 2012 Income Tax on it. Mail voucher and payment to: NYS Personal Income Tax, Processing Center, PO Box 4124,
Binghamton NY 13902-4124.
Your first name and middle initial
Your last name
Your social security number (SSN)
( for a joint return, enter spouse’s name on line below )
Spouse’s first name and middle initial
Spouse’s last name
(enter only if filing a joint return)
Spouse’s SSN
Mailing address
( number and street or rural route; see instructions )
Apartment number
City, village or post office
ZIP code
Balance due