Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8863
Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits)
General Instructions
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
otherwise noted.
Future Developments
educational institution, and can substantiate the payment of
qualified tuition and related expenses.
For the latest information about developments related to Form
To claim the American opportunity credit, you must
8863 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they
provide the educational institution’s employer
were published, go to IRS.gov/Form8863.
identification number (EIN) on your Form 8863. You
What's New
should be able to get this information from Form 1098-T or the
educational institution.
Limits on modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). The
lifetime learning credit MAGI limit increases to $132,000 if you're
Ban on claiming the American opportunity credit. If you
filing married filing jointly ($66,000 if you're filing single, head of
claim the American opportunity credit even though you're not
household, or qualifying widow(er)). The American opportunity
eligible, you may be banned from claiming the credit for 2 or 10
credit MAGI limits remain unchanged. See Table 1 and the
years depending on your conduct. See the Caution statement
instructions for line 3 or line 14.
under American Opportunity Credit, later.
Form 8862 may be required. If your American opportunity
Taxpayer identification number (TIN) needed by due date
credit was denied or reduced for any reason other than a math
of return. If you don’t have a TIN by the due date of your 2017
or clerical error for any tax year beginning after 2015, you must
return (including extensions), you can’t claim the American
attach a completed Form 8862, Information To Claim Certain
opportunity credit on either your original or an amended 2017
Refundable Credits After Disallowance, to your 2017 tax return
return, even if you later get a TIN. Also, the American opportunity
to claim the credit in 2017. See Form 8862 and its instructions
credit isn’t allowed on either your original or an amended 2017
for details.
return for a student who doesn’t have a TIN by the due date of
your return (including extensions), even if that student later gets
a TIN.
Purpose of Form
Form 1098-T requirement. To be eligible to claim the
American opportunity credit or the lifetime learning credit, the
Use Form 8863 to figure and claim your education credits, which
law requires a taxpayer (or a dependent) to have received Form
are based on adjusted qualified education expenses paid to an
1098-T, Tuition Statement, from an eligible educational
eligible educational institution (postsecondary). For 2017, there
are two education credits.
However, for tax year 2017, a taxpayer may claim one of
The American opportunity credit, part of which may be
these education benefits if the student doesn't receive a Form
1098-T because the student’s educational institution isn't
The lifetime learning credit, which is nonrefundable.
required to send a Form 1098-T to the student under existing
rules (for example, if the student is a nonresident alien, has
A refundable credit can give you a refund even if you owe no
qualified education expenses paid entirely with scholarships, or
tax and aren't otherwise required to file a tax return. A
has qualified education expenses paid under a formal billing
nonrefundable credit can reduce your tax, but any excess isn't
arrangement, or is enrolled in courses for which no academic
refunded to you.
credit is awarded). If a student’s educational institution isn't
Both of these credits have different rules that can affect your
required to provide a Form 1098-T to the student, a taxpayer
eligibility to claim a specific credit. These differences are shown
may claim one of these education benefits without a Form
in Table 1.
1098-T if the taxpayer otherwise qualifies, can demonstrate that
the taxpayer (or a dependent) was enrolled at an eligible
Dec 13, 2017
Cat. No. 53002G