Recipient Name
Recipient Title
City, State
RE: Name of Candidate
It is with great enthusiasm that I write this letter of recommendation on
behalf of
name of recipient
as he continues his course towards attaining
Eagle Scout rank. I have known
first name of recipient
since he was 2 years
old and have watched him grow and mature into an outstanding young man.
When he was young I would watch him persist and persevere at various
tasks that would have frustrated most children and made them give up. It is
such a pleasure to see that he has retained that wonderful strength of
character and to watch it develop over the years. He has always been a
leader among his peers because of his engaging personality and well-
developed values. He has taken that gift and maximized it. Not only has
name of recipient
worked diligently on his Boy Scout program, he has done
t h i s i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h b e i n g h i s c l a s s ’ President for the last two years and
participating on a multitude of athletic teams. In my opinion it is rare to see
such motivation and drive in a young man of his age. He is an academically
talented student and has maintained his position on the princip a l ’ s l i s t e a c h
marking period, very much to his own credit.
First name of recipient
to manage his time and develop his priorities has resulted in making him a
person that will not only achieve in life, but will be successful with balance
in his life. The Boy Scout program should be proud to have such a
wonderful representative here in
name of town or
chapter. I know he will
make a great Eagle Scout and I can recommend him with great confidence.
Your name/title