Form St-Bdr-Meals - Claim For Bad Debt Reimbursement Page 2

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Form ST-BDR-Meals Instructions
General Information
Line 3. Enter your total Massachusetts taxable sales of meals for
the previous fiscal year.
Under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 64H, sec. 33, Mass-
Line 4. Enter the total amount of meals tax remitted to DOR during
achusetts meals tax vendors who have remitted meals tax to the
Department of Revenue (DOR) on accounts which are later deter-
the previous fiscal year.
mined to be worthless may file a claim for reimbursement with
Line 5. Enter bad debt expense as indicated on your U.S. tax
DOR. This claim for reimbursement is effective for sales of meals
return (actual or pro forma) for the previous fiscal year.
determined to be worthless in the previous fiscal year, regardless
Line 6a. Enter the amount of taxable sales of meals occurring be-
of when the actual sale occurred. Bad debt reimbursements are
fore August 1, 2009 upon which a 5% meals tax has been remitted
issued without interest. Reimbursements may not be claimed
determined to be worthless during the previous fiscal year, regard-
on any other DOR return. Form ST-BDR-Meals must be mailed
less of when the actual sale occurred. For example, a 2007 credit
on or before the due date (including extensions) of your federal in-
sale may finally be determined to be worthless in 2009.
come tax return for sales of meals determined to be worthless in
the previous fiscal year. If you discover an error in your claim after
Line 6b. Enter the amount of taxable sales of meals occurring on
filing, you may file an amended claim on or before the due date
or after August 1, 2009 upon which a 6.25% meals tax has been
(including extensions) of your federal income tax return, by clearly
remitted determined to be worthless during the previous fiscal
writing “amended” at the top of the claim form.
year, regardless of when the actual sale occurred.
Vendors must include in gross receipts for their meals tax returns
Line 7a. Multiply the total in line 6a by .05 (5%). This is your reim-
all sales for the period in which the sales occur, regardless of
bursement for bad debts.
whether payment has been received. Vendors are not allowed to
Line 7b. Multiply the total in line 6b by .0625 (6.25%). This is your
subtract bad debts from gross receipts. Reimbursements for bad
reimbursement for bad debts.
debts on meals can only be made on an annual basis with Form
Penalties. Applicants that made false statements on Form ST-
BDR-Meals in order to receive a refund to which they are not enti-
Any vendor who recovers, in whole or in part, a bad debt for which
tled may be subject to the tax evasion penalties of M.G.L. Chapter
a reimbursement has been received must include the recovered
62C, sec. 73, including a felony conviction, a fine of not more than
amount in the gross receipts amount on the meals tax return cover-
$100,000 or $500,000 in the case of a corporation, or by imprison-
ing the period in which the recovery occurs. For example, you are
ment for not more than five years, or both, and may also be re-
a meals tax filer who receives reimbursement for a 2007 bad debt
quired to pay the costs of prosecution.
of $500. During October of 2009 you recover $300 of the bad debt.
You must include the $300 recovery amount in your gross receipts
Substantiating documentation. Substantiating documentation
on your October return.
must be included with every claim. You must attach an explanation
for each worthless sale showing the date the sale occurred, the
Note: Recovery of amounts taxable at 5% being reported on
amount of the sale, the buyer’s name and address, the buyer’s fed-
returns filed after August 1, 2009 should be included on the meals
eral identification number, if available, and all facts pertinent to your
tax return at 80% of the amount of the recovery.
determining the account to be worthless. If the volume of your sales
Taxpayers who change their fiscal year for federal tax purposes in
or your method of determining sales to be worthless does not al-
tax years after 1999 may include in their ST-BDR-Meals claim for
low you to comply with the preceding instructions, please refer to
the first fiscal year after the change any bad debts incurred after
TIR 00-3, Claiming the Bad Debt Reimbursement, for specific in-
the last day of their prior fiscal year and before the first day of their
structions. A sale is determined to be worthless when it is actually
new fiscal year, providing that these claims have not been included
written off as uncollectible for federal income tax purposes under
in any other ST-BDR-Meals. See Technical Information Release
IRC Section 166.
(TIR) 00-3, Claiming the Bad Debt Reimbursement.
You must also include:
To correct errors unrelated to bad debts do not file Form ST-BDR-
• If you are using the specific charge-off or aggregated proration
Meals. You must file an online Application for Abatement, at
method for claiming bad debts, a copy of the page from your U.S.
For further information regarding abatements
tax form (Form 1065, 1120, 1120A, 1120S or Schedule C or F)
or Form ST-BDR-Meals call the Customer Service Bureau at (617)
showing the bad debt deduction for the previous fiscal year; or
• If you are a cash method taxpayer, a detailed explanation of how
Line Instructions
sales are determined to be worthless.
Line 1. Enter your gross sales of meals (including non-Massachu-
Mail Form ST-BDR-Meals along with all attachments to: Massachu-
setts sales) for the previous fiscal year.
setts Department of Revenue, PO Box 7031, Boston, MA 02204.
Line 2. Enter your total gross Massachusetts sales of meals (tax-
able and non-taxable) for the previous fiscal year.
printed on recycled paper


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