Christina Stephens' "Lego Leg" Video Inspired Amputees (1130l) - Middle School Reading Article Worksheet Page 2


Vale Middle School Reading Article
Christina Stephens’ “Lego Leg” Video Inspired Amputees (1130L)
partial foot amputation with multiple skin grafts over my foot and ankle, possible
Notes on my thoughts,
fusions," she recalled.
reactions and questions as I
In addition to her work as a therapist, Stephens is a clinical researcher at Washington
University. So rather than fret over her loss, she turned to research to decide if she'd be
better off with a damaged foot or without the foot. The foot was numb yet painful, and
knowing the pain may not go away if she kept the foot, she chose amputation. The foot
was removed Feb. 26. She was joking with colleagues in her research lab about the
kinds of prosthetic leg she should use - a pirate peg and zombie leg was mentioned. A
coworker at the research lab joked that she should make a new leg out of Legos, CNET
reported in July. She liked the idea of putting her childhood skills to the test, and she
still had all of the Lego that her mother had amassed over the years, mostly through
yard sales.
It took Stephens about two hours to shoot the time-lapse video in her south St. Louis
home. In it, she constructs a colorful prosthetic leg, albeit one of no practical use: When
she stands up on it, the foot crumbles. The Lego leg isn't meant to be functional. "The
video is sort of a metaphor for rebuilding your life after a disability," Stephens said.
"But you can't really walk on it."
The video was an instant hit and has garnered widespread media attention, helping her
get the word out about her other video tutorials. Several people have contacted her with
questions, asking her to make videos addressing other issues, and to just say thanks for
the information.
Sherry Young, a 38-year-old woman from suburban Washington D.C., was born with a
partial tibia on her right leg. After two fractures, it became extremely painful and wasn't
healing. For the past year, she's had to use crutches to walk. She had to either amputate
or go through reconstructive surgery. She found Stephens' videos on YouTube. Based
on what she saw, she decided to amputate. "Without Christina I don't think I would have
gone through with this," Young said. "I would have dealt with the pain and just kept
walking on crutches. I'm very happy I made the decision I did."
Young said even her children are more comfortable with the decision after watching
Stephens' videos. "I guess it's just her personality," Young said. "Watching her, she feels
Kerri Morgan, an instructor in occupational therapy and neurology at Washington
University who supervises Stephens, said Stephens has always been talented in her
work, but even more so now. "Since her injury, she has a different perspective to offer,
making her an even stronger and more passionate occupational therapist," Morgan said.
Stephens plans more videos, and she has a second Lego leg - "Lego Leg 2.0," she called
it. This one has moveable pieces - but it's still for show only.
CBS News/Associated Press. Christina Stephens’ “Lego Leg” video inspired amputees. CBS News/AP. August 8, 2013.


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