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2. First four letters
1. Primary Social
Missouri Department Of Revenue
of last name
Security Number .
Estimated Tax Declaration
For Individuals
3. Secondary Social
Security Number .
Your Name (Last, First, Initial)
4. Amount of this
0 0
Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Initial)
(U.S. funds only) ...
In Care Of Name
1st Qtr.
Address (Number And Street)
(Calendar year—due
April 15, 2014)
City, State, Zip Code
Use Only
If you pay by check, you authorize the Department of Revenue to process the check
electronically. Any check returned unpaid may be presented again electronically.
Return This Form With Check Or Money Order Payable To:
Missouri Department Of Revenue, P.O. Box 555, Jefferson City,
If You Wish To Receive A Preprinted Coupon Book For The Remainder Of 2014, Please Check This
Box. (It Is Not Necessary To Check This Box For A 2015 Book, As It Will Be Automatically Issued.)
Mo 65105‑0555
Form MO‑1040ES (Revised 12‑2013)
2. First four letters
1. Primary Social
of last name
Missouri Department Of Revenue
Security Number .
Estimated Tax Declaration
For Individuals
3. Secondary Social
Security Number .
Your Name (Last, First, Initial)
4. Amount of this
0 0
Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Initial)
(U.S. funds only) ...
In Care Of Name
2nd Qtr.
Address (Number And Street)
(Calendar year—due
June 16, 2014)
City, State, Zip Code
Use Only
If you pay by check, you authorize the Department of Revenue to process the check
electronically. Any check returned unpaid may be presented again electronically.
Return This Form With Check Or Money Order Payable To:
Missouri Department Of Revenue, P.O. Box 555, Jefferson City,
If You Wish To Receive A Preprinted Coupon Book For The Remainder Of 2014, Please Check This
Mo 65105‑0555
Box. (It Is Not Necessary To Check This Box For A 2015 Book, As It Will Be Automatically Issued.)
Form MO‑1040ES (Revised 12‑2013)
2. First four letters
1. Primary Social
of last name
Missouri Department Of Revenue
Security Number .
Estimated Tax Declaration
For Individuals
3. Secondary Social
Security Number .
Your Name (Last, First, Initial)
4. Amount of this
0 0
Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Initial)
(U.S. funds only) ...
In Care Of Name
3rd Qtr.
Address (Number And Street)
(Calendar year—due
September 15, 2014)
City, State, Zip Code
Use Only
If you pay by check, you authorize the Department of Revenue to process the check
electronically. Any check returned unpaid may be presented again electronically.
Return This Form With Check Or Money Order Payable To:
Missouri Department Of Revenue, P.O. Box 555, Jefferson City,
Mo 65105‑0555
Form MO‑1040ES (Revised 12‑2013)