Unit 5: Volume and Area
(4 to 5 weeks)
Student Learning Outcomes for this unit:
how to calculate the volume by counting unit cubes
how to use multiplication to calculate volume
how to find the total volume of two connected rectangular prisms
how to solve word problems involving the volume of rectangular prisms
the area of rectangles with mixed number sides lengths
how to use multiplication to calculate area
how to solve real world area problems
how to draw different types of trapezoids based on types of angles
how to draw parallelograms based on types of angles
how to draw rectangles and rhombuses based on types of angles
how to draw kites and squares based on types of angles
how to classify two-dimensional figures on their properties
Unit 6: Coordinate Plane
(4 to 5 weeks)
Student Learning Outcomes for this unit:
how to draw a coordinate system on a plane
know how to name points using coordinate pairs
how to interpret points on a coordinate plane
how to plot points on a coordinate plane.
how to make a number pattern from a given rule
how to compare with lines and patterns
how to persevere when solving real world word problems
how to interpret numerical expressions