Lesson Plan 1 Potential Energy


1 hour
Small marble, large marble, Ping-Pong ball, golf ball, large pan, flour, yardstick
Potential Energy Activity Sheets A and B
3. Explain that cars use electric potential
Have students
energy to operate. When a driver starts
complete the pre-assessment. Save the
the car, the battery releases a jolt of
pre-assessments until the end of the
electricity to power parts inside the
unit to measure the growth in student
car. The fuel in the car’s gas tank holds
chemical potential energy. When the
fuel burns, it undergoes a chemical
1. C; 2. B; 3. D; 4. B; 5. A; 6. A; 7. C; 8. D;
reaction that unleashes energy to
9. D; 10. D
power the car’s engine and propel the
vehicle around the track. Batteries
are unique because they hold energy
Central question:
in chemical form, but they release
potential energy in its current state.
What is potential energy?
electric energy! (Fun fact: NASCAR
(No, because there’s no distance
racecars use Sunoco Green E15 as
for gravity to pull it toward Earth.)
1. Introduce the concept of potential
fuel. Just like a car, the human body
Raise the marble about one foot in
energy—energy that is stored due
relies on chemical potential energy
the air. Ask whether the ball now
to an object’s position or condition.
stored in another type of fuel—food.
has any potential energy. (Yes.)
Explain that the word “potential” means
By breaking down food, our bodies
having the ability to do something.
3. Drop the marble into a large pan
get the energy they need to survive.)
Therefore, potential energy is energy
filled with a few inches of flour.
that has not yet been used.
4. Describe how a racecar also has
Gently remove it from the pan, and
a suspension system between its
have a volunteer measure the width
2. To illustrate the concept of potential
wheels and its base. This system
of the impact crater left in the flour.
energy, ask students to imagine a
contains flexible springs that store
Climb on a chair and drop the marble
racecar sitting on the top of a steep
elastic potential energy. This type
from a height of about seven feet.
banking. (See the Build section
of energy—also called mechanical
Measure the new impact crater.
of Lesson 2: Kinetic Energy for a
energy—is energy stored in an object
Repeat the experiment with the large
description of racetrack bankings.)
due to its tension. When the car hits a
marble, the Ping-Pong ball, and the
Tell students that in this position the
bump in the road, the springs absorb
golf ball. Have students take notes
car is loaded with a specific type of
the impact by compressing. Then they
throughout the experiment. After
potential energy, called gravitational
stretch to release the stored energy,
the demonstration is complete, ask
potential energy. Explain that when
pushing the tire back against the road.
them to draw conclusions about how
an object, like a racecar, is far above
This helps prevent the car’s wheels
mass and height impact the amount
the ground, a force called gravity pulls
from losing their grip on the track.
of potential energy an object has.
it downward toward Earth’s surface.
Central question:
Central question:
Central question:
How do we identify the
What types of potential
What affects the amount of
different types of potential
energy exist?
potential energy an object has?
energy around us?
1. Hand out Potential Energy Activity
1. Explain that the potential energy of
Divide students into groups, and hand
Sheet A. Tell students that
an object is measured by its ability to
out Potential Energy Activity Sheet B. Tell
exert a specific amount of force for a
gravitational potential energy is
students to study the scenes on the sheet
just one type of potential energy.
particular distance. There are three
and search for examples of potential
factors that determine how much
Have them complete the activity to
energy. See which group can identify the
gravitational potential energy an
learn about three other forms.
most objects with stored energy. Answers:
object has: gravity, height, and mass.
Chemical: snacks in box in stands, gas,
2. Now that students understand
Gravity is constant, but differences
battery, racecar, blimp; Gravitational: tire
potential energy’s different forms,
in an object’s mass and height can
raised, food raised overhead, man holding
have them imagine a racecar sitting
increase or decrease the amount of
flag, man climbing ladder; Electric:
in position on the starting grid before
potential energy the object has.
lamppost, lights in the viewing boxes,
the start of a NASCAR race. Ask:
television camera; Elastic: muscles, tires,
What forms of potential energy might
2. To demonstrate, set a small marble
air compressor.
the car have before it starts moving?
on the floor of your classroom.
Ask students if the marble has


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