Saint Matthew Catholic Church - Code Of Conduct


Saint Matthew Catholic Church - Code of Conduct
Participant’s Name
This code of conduct is a list of rules and regulations to be followed during the all Saint Matthew Teen events.
These rules are in place in order to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
1. Students are expected to be respectful to their peers, leaders, and guest speakers. This includes listening while others
are speaking, participating when appropriate, avoiding negative comments, not using text messaging during the program.
2. The use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, fireworks, matches, cigarette lighters, or items that endanger people, pets, wildlife,
or property is strictly prohibited.
3. Language and behavior should exemplify Christian values. Profanity is strictly prohibited.
4. Participants are expected to respect the rights and property of others. Vandalism and theft will not be tolerated.
Financial obligations that result from such behavior will be the sole responsibility of the youth and his/her parents or legal
5. Clothing must be appropriate. Shorts, short skirts, dresses or tops that are strapless or that have spaghetti straps, and
excessively baggy pants are prohibited. Undergarments should not be visible. Reference to drugs, or to tobacco or alcohol
products, including insignias or advertisements on clothing, jewelry, accessories, or caps, are prohibited. If we deem your
clothing inappropriate, you will be asked to call your parent to bring you a change of clothing.
6. Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices that may be distracting during the evening are not allowed. If a student
needs a cell phone to be on during the program for emergency purposes, parents should contact the church prior to Life
Night to let us know. The cell phone should be set to vibrate, so as to avoid unnecessary interruptions.
7. Students should act with reverence and respect during Masses and prayer services. Hats must be removed, and gum
must be thrown away. No food or beverages will be allowed in the church.
Failure to follow the above rules will result in the following consequences:
1st offense: Student will be removed from the group and asked to talk to a leader
2nd offense: Parents will be contacted
3rd offense: Parent meeting will be arranged
I have read this Code of Conduct and understand it, and I will abide by the rules and regulations as outlined above. I will
also abide by all rules established by the adult leaders. In the event that I choose not to conform to these rules, I
understand that my parents/guardians will be notified of the infraction and consequences will be assigned.
Signature of Participant ____________________________________ Date _________________
The most important aspect of your child’s faith learning experience is fully participating in the Mass on Sundays and
Holy Days of Obligation. In order for your child to understand what is being taught in the Wednesday program and to
participate in the discussions, it is important that your child attend Mass. By signing this registration form, you are
agreeing to make every effort possible to attend Mass with your child.
I have read the above terms and agree to abide by them.
I understand that my child is expected to abide by all of the rules and regulations as outlined in this Code of Conduct. I
agree that if my child fails to abide by the Code of Conduct or engages in any infraction that is considered to be
inappropriate, he/she will be dismissed from this activity.
Signature of Parent _________________________________________ Date ________________


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