Summer Abroad Packing List Page 3


want a fresh change of clothing when you finally get settled at the
 Make a copy of your passport and place one copy in each piece of luggage that
you check. If your luggage is lost, it will be easier to claim if the luggage contains
the same identification that you are carrying. Also, be sure to clearly mark every
piece of your luggage with your name and address, inside and out.
Try to pack as lightly as possible, it’s tough trying to get around when you have
more than one suitcase. If you are bringing only one bag, pack an extra bag
inside of it. If everything you are bringing fits into a smaller bag, place the smaller
bag inside a larger bag just to make sure you have enough room in your luggage
for souvenirs on the way back.
 Try to buy the travel size of whatever hygiene product you can find. You will not
use an entire average bottle of product even on the two week trips. With the strict
weight limits on some flights, the less weight you are carrying initially, the more
you can bring back as souvenirs.
Your passport, identification, and money should stay with you at all times.
 Notify your bank and credit card company when and where you will be traveling.
If you use your credit card at an airport in a certain country, and your bank does
not know you are there, the fraud department will take away your credit card
access. This is particularly important to remember for the countries in which you
have a layover.
See Cyndi for a Go Abroad e-Kit calling card, or purchase a calling card before
you leave. AT&T is the most widely accepted calling card. Be sure to look up the
country code before you leave. The only code on the back of the card is for
domestic use. It might be a good idea to purchase a card with another person in
your group, as you may not use all of the minutes provided on the card by
 If you are bringing any electronics, purchase an adaptor and converter. If you are
bringing a computer, read the power cord. Most computers have built in
 If you pack breakable objects for your trip back home, wrap a shirt around each
object and stuff it in a shoe. If you run out of shoes, pack your breakables in
between your clothing.
 Be sure to research the climate of the country you are visiting, as well as the
current weather conditions of that country. Sometimes the country might
experience unusual weather, so be prepared!
 If you bring a camera, be sure to have plenty of film and, if it is a digital camera,
to have plenty of space on your memory card. You might take more pictures than
you think!
Bring a list of emergency phone numbers and important e-mail addresses, just in
case you need to get in touch with someone while you are gone. Keep
emergency numbers in your wallet.


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