Sample Hardship Letter Template - Short Sale Page 3


(Date) (Lender
(Lender Address)
(Lender's fax number)
RE: Hardship Letter - Short Sale for (your address)
Dear Creditor:
This letter is written to explain my current financial situation and the approval of a short sale of my
property at (your address).
Due to (the reason for your hardship) I am unable to meet my financial obligations on my current
mortgage. I am delinquent on several of my bills and am unable to keep up at this time.
I have lived in my home since (date) and have, until recently, been on time in making my mortgage
payments. Due to my financial hardship and the declining economy I can no longer meet this obligation.
An offer has been made on my home for ($) and I request that you accept this offer as a short sale. This
is the best offer I have received in my attempt to sell my property.
I have enclosed documents for the past 3 months to explain the financial situation I am currently going
through. As you can see, if this offer is not accepted I will not be able to meet any of my financial
I am embarrassed that I am in this current situation and would like to avoid further financial difficulties
by continuing negative credit and mounting financial obligations.
If you have any questions please contact me at (phone number).


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