Powershell 3.0 Ise Cheat Sheet


Windows PowerShell 3.0 Language Quick Reference
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Bitwise Operators
Comma operator (Array
Useful Commands
Bitwise AND
Downloads and installs newest help
Bitwise OR (inclusive)
Dot-sourcing operator runs a
Bitwise OR (exclusive)
script in the current scope
Displays information about
Bitwise NOT
. c:\scripts\sample.ps1
commands and concepts
-shl, -shr
Bitwise shift operators. Bit
Gets all commands
shift left, bit shift right
$( )
Subexpression operator
Gets the properties and methods
(arithmetic for signed,
@( )
Array subexpression operator
of objects
The call operator, also known as
logical for unsigned values)
Gets the modules that have been
the "invocation operator," lets
imported or that can be imported
you run commands that are
Other Operators
into the current session
stored in variables and
Splits a string
represented by strings.
“abcdefghi” -split “de”
$a = "Get-Process"
& $a
Joins multiple strings
Assignment Operators
$sb = { Get-Process | Select –First 2 }
“abc”,”def”,”ghi” -join “;”
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ++, -- Assigns one or more values
& $sb
to a variable
Range operator
Logical Operators
1..10 | foreach {$_ * 5}
Comparison Operators
-and, -or, -xor, -not, !
Connect expressions and
statements, allowing you to test
-eq, -ne
Equal, not equal
-is, -isnot
Type evaluator (Boolean).
for multiple conditions
-gt, -ge
Greater than, greater than
Tells whether an object is an
or equal to
Redirection Operators
instance of a specified .NET
>, >>
The redirection operators enable
-lt, -le
Less than, less than or
Framework type.
you to send particular types of
equal to
42 –is [int]
changes the specified
output (success, error, warning,
verbose, and debug) to files and
elements of a value
Type convertor. Tries to
to the success output stream.
“abcde” -replace “bc”, “TEST”
convert the input object to
Output streams
* All output
the specified .NET
1 Success output
-match, -notmatch
Regular expression match
Framework type.
2 Errors
-like, -notlike
Wildcard matching
$a = 42 –as [String]
-contains, -notcontains
Returns TRUE if the scalar
3 Warning messages
4 Verbose output
value on its right is
Formats strings by using the
5 Debug messages
contained in the array on
format method of string
its left
# Writes warning output to warning.txt
Do-Something 3> warning.txt
1,2,3,4,5 -contains 3
1..10 | foreach { "{0:N2}" -f $_ }
# Appends verbose.txt with the verbose output
-in, -notin
Returns TRUE only when
Do-Something 4>> verbose.txt
[ ]
Cast operator. Converts or
# Writes debug output to the output stream
test value exactly matches
limits objects to the
Do-Something 5>&1
at least one of the
specified type
reference values.
# Redirects all streams to out.txt
[datetime]$birthday = "1/10/66"
Do-Something *> out.txt
“Windows”-in “Windows”,”PowerShell”


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