Press Release
For immediate release: [date]
(If you want your story to be published as soon as possible)
Embargoed for: [time/date]
(If it’s top-‐secret news until the announcement date or you want to give journalists an opportunity to
prepare for the story)
Contact: [name, organization and title, phone number]
Attention-‐Grabbing Headline: Title case, eight words or fewer. Make it snappy and thought provoking.
[CITY, Month, Day, Year]—Paragraph One: Describe what is happening in the world RIGHT NOW that
makes your announcement relevant and interesting (3-‐5 sentences). Summarize your story in a dynamic
and stimulating way. Who? What? Why? When? (3-‐5 sentences). Outline the problem you are solving
and how. Describe your product or service briefly and in straightforward terms (max 5 sentences).
Paragraph 2: Provide any proof you have that your product or service solves the problem using facts
and data (think number of subscribers, downloads, active users, etc.). Describe the user experience.
Explain why your product or service sets you apart from the competitors. Give a broad overview of the
existing market.
Paragraph 3: “Quotes from you or someone relevant to the story.” Add a human touch by including a
quote from someone who is involved in the launch. If the founders have a compelling or unusual back
story, include a brief overview.
Paragraph 4: Present any further information that may be relevant. Explain why your news may be of
interest to the target publication. Include a call to action that explicitly tells the reader what to do next.
Notes to editor: Add any additional information that the journalist may find useful:
1. Provide background information about the press release that may help the journalist.
2. Offer access to interviews, images, or photographs.
3. Include any data, statistics, or information about your story that the journalist may wish to use.
Press Contact: Supply numbers and email addresses. This can make the difference between your story
being covered or going straight in the trash.
Further information: <link to website or press kit>