Press release template
A few tips before you start:
• Use short, concise sentences without jargon. In other words, write in simple, everyday language.
• OneFamily is a single thing. Which means it’s right to say ‘OneFamily has’ rather than ‘OneFamily have’.
The same goes for the OneFamily Foundation.
Now here’s some help with setting out your press release…
Your logo – always at the top.
Date – the date you’re sending out the press release.
Title – keep it clear and simple; leave catchy titles to the journalists!
Paragraph 1
Your first paragraph is the most important. You want it to grab the journalist’s attention.
It’s best to keep it short and to the point. Make sure it contains the most interesting and important facts.
And check that it answers all the questions: WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE and HOW.
Paragraph 2
Add a little more detail, including what’s unique about your project. Try to find a ‘human angle’:
something that will appeal to readers’ emotions and make them want to vote for your project.
Paragraph 3 onwards
Add the other details of your project in order of importance. Make sure you back up any claims you make
with facts and statistics. Quotes are really helpful too. A good one could be from someone in your community
who will benefit from your project. If you can use real examples, you’ll really bring your story to life.
Include the ‘call to action’
We suggest you use this wording:
Voting opens at 10am on 2 June 2015 and closes at midday on 29 June 2015.
To vote for (insert name of your project) please visit:
– ENDS –
You’ll need to add ‘ENDS’ like this, to show it’s the end of the story.
Include contact details
Choose and check these details carefully. You want to make it as easy as possible for reporters to find out
more about your project. Whoever is listed should be ready to take calls. We suggest you lay it out like this:
For media enquiries, please contact:
Name, job title, phone/mobile, email
(‘Media enquiries’ means journalists or photographers.)
For general enquiries, please contact:
Name, job title, phone/mobile, email
Then, right at the end…
Notes to editors: Write a paragraph of background information, and add photographs, videos or podcast
links, if you have them. It’s also a good idea to include website addresses and contact details for your
organisation or the activities you’re writing about.