Cover Letter
A cover letter and a letter of application are the same thing. It is simply a professional introduction of you and your
credentials and a statement of your professional career interests. Relatively short and to the point, a cover letter
packages your qualifications, experiences and strong points into a one-page document that serves as a cover for your
other material.
Do not simply copy this sample letter. Use your own words and writing style.
Your Address
Should include your complete street address,
1401 AnyStreet
city, state and zip code, NOT YOUR NAME,
AnyTown, AnyState 00011
followed by the date after two blank lines.
January 1, 2013
Mailing Address
Should include the complete name, title and
Dr. Smith
address to whom you are sending the letter.
Assistant Superintendent – Great School District
111 Street
AnyTown, AnyState 11111
It is key to address your letter(s) to an
individual. Avoid sending “To Whom It May
Concern” letters and make sure to correctly
Dear Dr. Smith:
note the person’s title (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.)
Please accept this as my letter of application and supporting material for
the position of Special Education Teacher with the Great School District.
First Paragraph
I learned of this position through your advertisement in the December
Simply state the reason you are writing. The
issue of the Teacher Vacancy bulletin published by Northern
name of the position (or type of work) for
which you are applying and mention how you
Michigan University, and I believe that my academic preparation and
found out about the job for which you are
work experiences have prepared me well for the challenges tis position
Second (and sometimes third) Paragraph
As you will note by enclosed resume, graduating from Northern
State, in two or three sentences, why you feel
Michigan University (with honors) with a Bachelor of Science degree in
you are qualified. Mention (BRIEFLY) relevant
Special Education with a certificate in Learning disabilities has allowed
work / internship experience and emphasize
me to develop the background necessary to be successful in this
skills you possess which will contribute to your
position. My educational background has been enhanced by my
effectiveness. Sell yourself. Note your
successful student teaching experience with the Marquette Public
accomplishments and more importantly, state
School district and my volunteer activities with Big Brothers and Big
why the employer should hire you. Do not
Sisters of the Greater Marquette area. These experiences have allowed
simple restate information that the employer
me to develop both the technical skills and human relation skills
can get from your resume.
necessary to be a vibrant and consistent contributor to the success of
your school district.
Closing Paragraph
Refer the reader to your enclosed resume and
I believe a brief review of my resume will highlight the strong match
between my qualifications and your position. I would appreciate the
restate your strong interest in the position.
Thank them for their consideration and
opportunity to discuss my background, education and experiences with
mention that you hope to hear from them soon.
you, and I am available at your convenience to travel to AnyTown,
AnyState in order to discuss my candidacy in greater detail. Thank you
for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
A simple “Sincerely,” followed by some
blank lines for your signature, followed by
your full name.
Marvin A. Student