Cover Letters
over letters serve as a bridge between your resume and the specific job to which you are applying . Therefore, there isn’t a
“one size fits all” cover letter . A cover letter is also a reflection of your writing skills, so take time and care to proofread and
review your document . It needs to be specific to the organization and position —a generic cover letter will not help you .
C ont ent
Yo u S ho ul d Se nd a C ov er L ett er Whe n:
• Applying through Go IRISH and the employer has
Th e Firs t P aragrap h—“Wh y Th em? ”
requested it
• States WHY you are writing
• Responding to a job posting via direct mail or email
- Responding to an advertised opening
• Sending in response to a referral from a friend or
- Inquiring about a possible opening
• States WHY you are applying to, or are interested in,
this employer
Gui del i nes
- Company’s training program
- Company’s product or service
- Demonstrate your company research
Yo u r C ove r Le tt er Shoul d B e:
• Mention your contact/referral if you have one
• Formal, polished, and grammatically correct
• Precise, concise, cordial, and confident
Th e Secon d P ara grap h —“W hy You? ”
• Written in the active voice
• States WHAT qualifications you bring to the position
• Varied in sentence structure—don’t begin all
• Highlights two or three experiences or academic
sentences with “I”
achievements that directly relate to the qualifications
• Printed on the same type of paper as your resume
the employer is seeking
• Targeted to the needs of the company and require-
• Proves through examples of experiences and activi-
ments of the position
ties that you have key skills for the position—i .e .
• A way of connecting the job description with your
hard-work, communication, problem-solving ability,
resume and skills
and analytical skills
• May close with a summary sentence of your
C o ve r Le t t er s Shoul d b e A ddr ess ed to a Sp ecific
qualifications and a confident statement that you can
P erso n
make a contribution to the organization
If you do not have a contact name:
Th e Th ird P aragrap h—“N ext S tep s ”
• Investigate the company website and other online
resources for contacts and addresses
• States WHAT you WANT—an interview or an oppor-
• Call the company and request the name of the person
tunity to further discuss your qualifications and any
responsible for hiring college graduates in your career
employment opportunities the employer may have
• May reference your enclosed resume
• If all efforts fail—indicate a specific job title, such as
• Thanks the person and indicates that you look forward
Director of Public Relations and use a proper saluta-
to speaking to or meeting with him/her, but indicates
tion such as “Dear Sir or Madam”
flexibility as to time and place
• Can state that you will call the contact person at a
certain time/day to discuss scheduling a meeting or
Addi t i o nal Tips
an interview
• Your cover letter should not be a repetition of the
Please see Sample Cover Letters on page 43-46 .
wording on your resume
• The font and formatting of your cover letter should
match the font and formatting of your resume
• When sending a resume via email, you may follow the
cover letter format to introduce your attached resume
Co nta ct T he C aree r Ce nte r to
and put it into the body of the email (do not include the
formal format with addresses and the date)
sc hedule a n a ppoint me nt fo r a resu me
• The subject line for cover letters sent via email should
o r c o ve r let te r re vie w .
have the position/job title and your full name
• Use the term “Enclosure” or “Enclosures” only if you
are sending hard copies of your documents
c a r e e r c e n t e r. n d . e d u
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n d c p s @ n d . e d u